India Post News Service
Prasanna Inni, of Inni Entertainments has started a new trend of South Indian Dj nights. She organizes these events in the most happening clubs of Bay Area. She primarily works in IT as a business analyst and today she talks about her journey into the entertainment industry. She loves and follows fashion, has been modeling for quite sometime and is an Instagram influencer. She has organized lot of fashion shows as well. She also says she loves dance and music, which is why she attends lots of DJ nights.
For a long time, she has noticed there have been only Bollywood nights, and South Indians don’t get to dance to even a single south Indian song, which is when she decided to start an entertainment company primarily focusing on South Indian music and a bit of Bollywood.
Her success journey began right from the first event ‘Pakka local’. She has been doing monthly club events and all her events have been successful and she thanks the audience for giving her the success in a short period.
She is looking forward to her next events – ‘Paisa Vasool’ and ‘Ishq Attack’ thathappen on Jan 28th and Feb 18th respectively.
She does all this to provide a platform for people who love to dance to south Indian and Telugu songs, to dance and have fun, for a non-stop 4 hours.