CHICAGO: Indian Americans across USA have hugely welcomed a move by the Indian Government to clean holy river Ganga and deem this to be a part of a broader move to improve living conditions of the people from environmental point of view in the country
GYAN and Living Planet Foundation have applauded Prime Minister Narendra Modi for launching the Clean Ganga Plan coinciding it with the World Environment Day.
Cleaning and maintaining ecological balance in Ganga is a pioneering initiative that demonstrates the Prime Minister’s resolve to save Earth’s resources. What enthuses the environmentalists here is the announcement from New Delhi that the Prime Minister has vowed to clean up pollution in India by starting from Varanasi.
It is noteworthy that Varanasi, with its historically significant past has continued to thrive till today with potential to become a model of care and respect for the environment which is a mark of India’s astonishing renaissance in recent years. The symbolic value of Varanasi, world’s oldest and most sacred pilgrimage city going clean and green will reflect the deep values of the world’s oldest city.
This critically important action was overdue. It as an unprecedented opportunity for the people of India to reclaim the ecological vision inherent in their culture and share it with the rest of the world.
We believe that it is a matter of great pride for the people of India to look to Varanasi as an example leading the faithful worldwide as pioneers in caring for creation. We believe now is the time to capture the momentum and set the ball in motion to induct Varanasi as a World Heritage city.
Any location that brings such large numbers of people to one place offers plenty of opportunity for improved environmental practices and a significant step toward global awareness and consensus on the need and potential to address climate change issues. Ganga and Variance are no exception where pilgrims come from all sectors of society, from presidents to paupers and from industrialists to conservationists.
A variety of measures could be taken to green and clean, including the reduction of exhaust emissions from public transport, improving water and sanitation facilities and reducing the number of plastic bottles by improving the accessibility and quality of tap drinking water. Ganga and Varanasi, therefore present unique opportunities to showcase environmentally sound technologies and practices.
It is hoped that experts will play a key role ensuring that environmental issues are addressed at every level of policy, especially in the context that representatives from environment, power, tourism, shipping and water resources will form the core group and their resources will be pooled to achieve a successful outcome. It is particularly impressive that substantial funds are allocated for the initiative.
“While welcoming the pioneering initiative, we would suggest that other participants are encouraged to join the move and this would include local NGOs and leaders of faith-based organizations. Making these entities players in the initiative would ensure the long-term sustainability of activities initiated during the project,” said Kusum Vyas Founder of Green Kumbh Movement, GYAN/Living Planet Foundation
“We send our best wishes to the Prime Minister and his team and look forward to working closely with the Prime Minister in achieving the objectives of Ganga Action Plan and greening and cleaning of Varanasi among other pilgrimage sites. The people of India are the immediate beneficiaries. Some mandatory measures are bitter pills that come with political risks; however this is no time for political mish mash. People of India and the world, deserve better,” she added.
Madhu Patel