CHICAGO: Vipul Patel, a popular professional photographer, who died last month was cremated here in the presence of a good number of friends, well wishers and family members. Patel, who was barely 54, died after a sudden heart attack.

Since both his sons were in India, the entire “Agni Sanskar Vidhi” was performed by Devers Desai. Even though it was the month of Ramadan, a lot of Muslim friends also attended the funeral.
Patel faced challenges early in life due to the death of his father. He became the bread winner for his family and concurrently completed commerce degree. Motivation and hard work were hallmarks of his character, A self-taught, and talented audio and videographer, he was known to many members of professional health and engineering groups in Chicago.
Patel leaves behind his wife Shobhana and sons Suril and Ravish.