NEVADA: In a remarkable interfaith gesture, the Northern Nevada clergy belonging to various religions and denominations organized a reception in honor of interfaith leader and President of Universal Society of Hinduism, Rajan Zed in Nevada recently.
Participants included Christians (various denominations), Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jews, Baha’i, New Age, Pagans, non-believers, etc. Sparks Mayor Geno R. Martini, who presided, garlanded Zed on the occasion. Thakur Chakrapani Singh, well-known classical musician from India, accompanied by tabla players Pete Fairley and David Freeman, entertained with ancient Kachhapi Veena.
Various organizations/leaders sent testimonials to Rajan Zed, which were read on the occasion, and which included: Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval, United States Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Lieutenant Governor Brian K. Krolicki, United States Senator Dean Heller, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Northern Nevada Muslim Community, Reno Buddhist Center, City of Sparks, Reno Police Department Chief Steve Pitts, Green Business Chamber and UNR Interfaith Students Club. Pagan community presented a plate inscribed “Om”, the mystical Hindu syllable containing the universe, to Zed on the occasion.
Speakers, who mostly listed Zed’s interfaith efforts to bring communities together in Nevada-USA-world and spoke about his religious statesmanship; included Nevada State Treasurer Kate Marshall, Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno Chancellor Brother Matthew Cunningham, Member Quorum of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints George M. Keele, President Nevada Clergy Association Right Reverend Gene Savoy Junior, Northern Nevada Muslim Community President Dr. Sherif A. Elfass, Executive Editor of Gannett publication Reno Gazette-Journal Beryl Love, Temple Beth Or Rabbi Elizabeth W. Beyer, and University of Nevada-Reno Interfaith Students Club President Daniel R. Sanchez.
Reverend Stefani Schatz, Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, delivered the invocation on the occasion; while well-known musician Jim Eaglesmith gave the benediction with a fusion multi-faith song.
Zed was also accorded a civic reception in a town in northern India in November and he had interfaith dialogue with Catholics, Muslims, Sikhs and others during this trip to India. He has delivered invocations at the 29 city councils and county commissions in California and Nevada in the last few months.
Angela Lee