CHICAGO: Ravi Raju, Democratic candidate for 15th District Cook County Board Commissioner in the March 20thprimary election, congratulated Kevin Morrison on his victory after one of the closest elections in recent history.
On election night, Raju was ahead by 33 votes. But after mailed-in ballots were counted and the County Clerk re-tabulated 5 percent of the precincts, Morrison was certified as the winner with 11,756 votes to Raju’s 11,746, a difference of only 10 votes or less than one tenth of one percent.
“Some of my supporters wanted to challenge the results in court, but that would have divided the Democratic Party and made it harder to defeat Tim Schneider,” Raju said. “The people of the 15th District deserve better.”
“This was a hard-fought race” said Raju. “I am honored that almost 12,000 of my fellow northwest suburban voters cast their votes for me,” he said.
Raju was supported by Matt Flamm, Palatine Democratic Committeeman. “Ravi was an excellent candidate” Flamm said. “He was far better organized than a typical first-time candidate. He has a great future in politics.”
Raju’s close finish reflects the growing influence of Indian-Americans and other South Asian-American voters in the political landscape of the northwest suburbs. “Political leaders and pundits who ignore the South Asian-American community do so at their own peril,” said Flamm.
“After years of growing influence in the business and technology sectors, South Asian Americans are making a greater commitment to the betterment of our overall community” said Ketan Thakkar, one of Raju’s supporters.
“Raju’s strong showing reflects the growing acceptance of true leadership regardless of race, religion and ethnicity. People in America are now more than ever open to people showing willingness, ability, and aptitude to helping our communities” said Saurin Thakkar, another of Raju’s supporters.
Kevin Morrison will face Timothy Schneider, the Republican incumbent, in November’s general election.
Thakar Basati