Jatin Patel
CHCICAGO: One of the hottest subjects among Desis and non-Desis in Illinois is who is likely to be a winner in the race for Governor in the coming Elections?
We put this question to our famed astrologer who had earlier predicted Donald Trump victory contrary to general expectation that Hillary Clinton would win and that too much before the results were out. Our Astrologer Jatin Patel feels that the odds are in favor of JB Pritzker based solely on astrological readings. Here is what he says:
Using Vedic systems approach astrology, let the planets foresee who can win the election on November 6, 2018.
We use nine planets, 12 houses and 12 zodiac signs. I will keep the explanation simple. Transit of planets on the day of election upon their birth planets and vice versa are studied
Mr. Pritzker birth (natal) planets has exalted (extreme power) of Rahu and Ketu which has given him abundance of drive. His Sun and Saturn are well-placed. This has given him limelight and opportunity to pursue politics, later in his career.
Saturn rules masses of people, which gives him people skills and is liked by others. Sun rules government, the combination of the two and transit Saturn on the day of election touches his natal Saturn making people (masses) like him. His natal Moon is strong giving him status, and a nurturing nature.
Mr. Rauner’s natal planets have strong Saturn, Venus, and Mars which give him good life, energy and success in businesses ventures. Venus giving him interest in arts and good support from wife, also making him helping others. He has many interests in life, outdoors for example. Mars gives him success in real estate and strict in decision making. It is sitting in its own house.
Both candidates have strong charts, but the transit of planets should be a very decisive factor for the ultimate outcome.
On November 6, 2018, the big difference of Saturn close to natal Saturn of Mr. Pritzer and exalted Rahu and Ketu at birth give him the edge. Mr. Pritzker in my opinion would prevail.