India Post News Service
WASHINGTON, DC: Rep. Khanna has announced committee and subcommittee assignments for oversight and reform, armed services, and budget for the 116th congress. He joins the House Armed Services subcommittees on Intelligence and Emerging Threats, and Strategic Forces, as well as the Oversight subcommittees of Government Operations and Economic Policy.
“I’m honored to have the confidence of Speaker Pelosi to serve on these committees at such a critical time in our nation’s history,” said Rep. Khanna. “I look forward to using these assignments to spark discussions around how we are going to grow the digital economy, forge a progressive foreign policy, hold the administration accountable and modernize government technologies.”
The Committee on Oversight and Reform serves as the primary investigative body for the U.S. House of Representatives and will play a crucial role in holding the Trump Administration accountable for many of the outstanding questions over potential campaign, ethics, and constitutional violations.
One of the first of such investigations will focus on the ongoing issues of security clearance at the White House. The Committee also has sweeping jurisdiction in many policy areas, allowing Rep. Khanna and his colleagues to conduct oversight over “any matter” it believes would serve the American people. Some of the first hearings will look at rising drug prices, campaign finance and lobbying reform. Rep. Khanna is a founding member of the No PAC Caucus, introduced a bill with Senator Sanders to reduce drug prices and is introducing a bill to provide “Democracy Dollars” to Americans to spend money in elections.
In November 2018, Rep. Khanna worked with the Oversight and Reform Committee to pass the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA), a bipartisan bill that will digitize and modernize government websites and forms. This was his second bill signed into law.
The Committee on the Budget drafts the annual budget resolution that sets the levels of revenue and spending expected each fiscal year. Speaker Pelosi has already committed to holding hearings before the Budget Committee on Medicare for All, where Rep. Khanna plans to continue his fight for universal health care in the country.
Rep. Khanna has been a leading advocate in the movement for universal health coverage and for lowering prescription drug costs. With Senator Brown, he introduced the Grow American Incomes Now Act (GAIN) that expands the earned income tax credit by $1.4 trillion and will continue to fight for this policy on the committee.
As a member of the Committee on Armed Services’ subcommittees on Intelligence and Emerging Threats and Strategic Forces, Rep. Khanna will continue to provide a much-needed voice of restraint in our nation’s foreign policy. Rep. Khanna is leading the effort in the House to end U.S. involvement in the Yemen Civil war, cautions against a new nuclear arms race with Russia, and supports bringing technologies from Silicon Valley to the Defense Department.