Ro calls for increase in STEM graduate & startup visas

Ro Khanna
Ro Khanna

FREMONT, CA: Manufacturing expert and candidate for California’s 17th congressional district Ro Khanna has called upon lawmakers to increase advanced STEM graduate and startup visas to meet demands for our workforce, and create jobs and businesses here in America.

In a statement on the immigration reform proposal recently introduced by the Senate’s bipartisan Gang of Eight, Ro Khanna said, “Our immigration system is broken and is failing at most of the things it is supposed to do – protect our borders, provide an orderly and effective system for legal immigration, and to maintain America’s rich tradition as a nation of immigrants that attracts hard working, talented, freedom-loving people to our shores.

“That’s the dream that brought my family to America, and thousands like them, and that’s a dream we must always keep alive,” he emphasized.

Ro however regretted that like so many other things, “immigration has fallen victim to partisan squabbling and gridlock.”
He said, “Modernizing our immigration system to reflect the opportunities and challenges of a globalized 21st century economy has long been a top priority of mine and I agree we need to have a comprehensive solution that includes strengthening our borders, providing a clear pathway to citizenship for Dreamers who are already here, and improving the federal process overall. I am encouraged that the proposal recently released by a bi-partisan group of Senators includes provisions designed to address these concerns.

“As Congress considers this historic opportunity, I strongly urge foremost consideration of some of the most pressing immigration issues facing Bay Area residents and the innovators of Silicon Valley.
“First, lawmakers should work to increase advanced STEM graduate and startup visas to meet demands for our workforce, and create jobs and businesses here in America.

“In addition, as our economy continues to recover, it is critically important that we increase the number of H-1B visas that are available to companies. It has been well documented that recruiting H-1B immigrants has a multiplier effect that leads to the creation of more middle class jobs here at home.

“While we need to make sure we are preparing our workforce with the skills necessary for the global economy, we must be open to attracting the best and brightest from around the world.

“Congress should also take action to address a significant issue with the current proposal, which would eliminate sibling visas and reduce the number of visas available to married, adult children. This restriction would reverse long-standing policy and hurt Bay Area residents who want to unite with their extended families here in America.

“Finally, any immigration reform must include equal rights for same-sex, bi-national couples the proposal only allows heterosexual couples to sponsor their spouses.

“I am encouraged by the progress to date and I join the families and businesses of California¹s 17th district in calling for a way forward on immigration reform. The particular importance of this issue to the Silicon Valley region places a heavy responsibility on our representatives to be a constructive part of the bi-partisan process, while also vigorously advocating for the best possible resolution of reforms that will have a profound effect on our economy,” Ro concluded.

India Post News Service

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