Saratoga teen to perform in New York & Sydney

India Post News Service

SARATOGA, CA: Anisha Saboo, a 15 year old Saratoga teen who is a sophomore at Lynbrook High School, has been selected for the 2019 High School Honors Performance Series at both Carnegie Hall
in New York, as well as the Sydney Opera House in Australia. She will perform in the Honors Choir Ensemble along with the highest-rated high school performers from the United States, Canada

Anisha Hat

, Mexico, Australia, China, Qatar, Hong Kong, Poland, South Korea, Guam and
Puerto Rico.

In the past year and a half, Anisha has been one of the youngest students in the state to twice qualify for both the California Coastal Regional Honor Choir, and the California All-State Honor Choir. In addition, she was one of just 14 California students to achieve the highest distinction,
within the United States, of being selected for the All-National Honor Ensemble in Orlando in November 2018.
After her selection to the All-National Honor Ensemble, Anisha was nominated to audition for the Honors Performance Series, and was accepted after a review by the Honors Selection Board.

Acceptance to the elite group is a direct result of the talent, dedication and
achievements demonstrated in her application and audition recording. She is excited about giving it her all for a special performance at the world-famous Carnegie Hall and Sydney Opera House, venues that mark the pinnacle of musical achievement.
Finalists will come together in New York City for five days in February and in Sydney for another five days in July-August. They will have the opportunity to learn from world-renowned conductors, work with other Finalists, and get a taste of two of the greatest cities in the world,
New York and Sydney. After an immersion with fellow world class musicians and singers, Anisha will get to perform at these iconic venues.
According to Morgan Smith, Program Director, “Being selected to the Honors Performance Series is something each Finalist should be extremely proud of accomplishing. We processed more than 18,000 nominations this year and have selected nearly 700 of the most talented student performers from around the world. Working with these conductors and performing at
Carnegie Hall is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that these musicians never forget”.

Anisha, who is a member of the Arya Music Studio in San Jose, has studied classical music for 6 years and the piano for 10 years. In response to her selection as a Finalist for the High School Honors at Carnegie Hall and Sydney Opera House, Anisha said, “When I visited the Sydney
Opera House a few years ago, I never imagined I would be fortunate enough to perform there one day. And Carnegie hall! I’m so thankful for this opportunity, and still can’t believe it.”

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