Jayanti Oza
CHICAGO: United Senior Pariwar, Chicago celebrate International Yoga Day with collaboration of Indian Consulate Chicago at DeePark in Des Plaines a suburb of Chicago Approx. 50 seniors joined the International Yoga Day with a meticulous observation of social distancing and wearing mask on face as per the guideline for Covid-19.
The Program started at 4 pm and end at 5:30 pm. Shri Jignesh Dixit, Heena Dixit, and their team with 6 volunteers came to teach Yoga from Hindu Swayank Sevak Sangh (HSS)
Indian Consul P.K. Misra attended the event. Secretary of United Senior Pariwar Shri Ramesh Chokshi welcomed Consul Misra, all Volunteers from HSS and members talking about Yoga and activities ofPariwar.
Rohitbhai Joshi explain that Yoga Day was introduce by Indian Prime minster Shri Narendrabhai Modi in the year 2014, ConsulP.K. Misra in his address said about yoga Day and importance of yoga in daily life. Ramanbhai Patel USP President gave a speech on yoga day and thanked all members.
Jignesh Dixit talked about HSS and its activities pointing out they gather every Sunday in Schaumburg Park District Hall for Sakha highlighting Vedic Hindu culture knowledge and physical fitness by yoga and exercise.
Yoga began with Prarthna and chanting slokas followed with then warm up exercise, neck, hand, legs, butter fly, and stretch Asaans. Heena demonstrated Hand stretch and Legs balance Asaan, Jignesh demonstrated Surya Namaskar-12 steps and every one repeated 5-times,
Some Asans were harder for stretching legs and hands. There were Pranayama: Ohm pranayama, Anulom-vilom and Kapal Bhati Praanaayam, and Bhastrika Praanayam and finally relax asaan, end with Chanting sloka “ Sarvetra Sukhina Santu” Rohit Joshi demonstrate Meditation and every one tried to do it.