CHICAGO: Sikhs from Palatine, Illinois, and surrounding towns came together to celebrate Holidays with Palatine Opportunity Center (POC) located in Palatine, distributing 50 goody bags amongst visitors and employees of the center.
Cash money was also handed over to the Director Ms. Kathy Millins. She has been Director with the center ever since it opened. The Center provides many valuable free services to the community that include Spanish, Russian, European, Asian and other low income people. The Center has free medical clinic, free English tutoring, free computer classes, free Immigration and Citizenship classes. It offers income assistance resources for people who can’t pay utility bills or mortgages. Youth counseling is by professional certified people like doctors and nurses. There is a paid community nurse to offer guidance to people on health issues.
They also have local Community College classes from Harper. Palatine Park District also rents space in the center and have dance, Jumba, aerobic and other entertainment classes. Soon they are looking to start Bhangra classes. Park Dist. classes fill very fast. There are two classes for small children for parents who can’t afford to pay nursery classes. Many moms take classes there.
The Center provides rooms for community needs like conference or meeting rooms. Palatine Public Library has room for books, free computer access, audio videos. A senior citizen consultant provides free service to seniors twice a week. The Center also runs summer garden where land and water are provided by Fire Station. Volunteers grow organic produce which is given to needy families. This concept could easily be implemented by many religious institutions around the world.
The Center runs on grants and public donations. People donate food and clothing for every day use.
Each goody bag had a greeting card with a painting of King Akbar eating Langar (Free vegetarian food served in Gurdwara, Sikh place of worship). A poster showing officers and men of Sikh Infantry marching through London’s Admiralty Arch on their way to Buckingham Palace during the 1919 Peace Day was given too.
Bhai Mohinder Singh started the program with a prayer and explained to about 60 people the meaning of Sikh Prayer. Prof Kulwant Singh Hundal gave a brief description of Sikh religion. About 20 people had the experience of tying turbans on their heads. They were told the importance of turban in Sikh religion and also the differences between turbans of other religions.
He informed the audience that Old Testament talks about turban. They were also told about how turban protects from extreme temperatures. Balbir Sufi shared his couplet with the audience which was translated by Thakar Singh Basati.
Irish dance was performed by granddaughters of Thakar Singh Basati. Free vegetarian food was served by KK Pamma.
Thakar Singh Basati is a board member of POC. He said that Sikhs of Palatine have done it many times before when they collect money and donate goods and/ or goody bags to nursing homes, senior center or other charitable organizations.
Surendra Ullal