Geetha Patil
NEW YORK: The Federation of Indian Associations (FIA) and Indian American Community with many other partner organizations arranged a free sneak preview of the film – ‘The Kashmir Files (TKF)’. This screening was before the formal release of the film scheduled for January 26, 2022 – that coincides with the Republic Day of India – at the Regal Cinema, Marlborough, MA, the evening of Friday, December 10, 2021.
Generally, sneak previews provide additional publicity and word-of-mouth exposure for a movie. A hall full of audience watched TKF – a remarkable film that brought out horrible truth about Hindu genocide in the Kashmir Valley. The audience followed the film in pin-drop silence.
This film produced by well-known and graceful actor Pallavi Joshi Agnihotri is directed and written by acclaimed director Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri. Both have done great work to expose a tragedy, which India has failed for 31-years, to show the real face of Kashmiri Hindu genocide. The film is made with the intention of creating awareness among people about the true stories of Kashmiri Hindus, and to wipe out the false narratives set by some interest groups all these years. In addition, it is also a history of all Hindus for centuries and perhaps all persecuted societies of the world — whether it is Jews by Christian Germany, Christians in Turkey by the Islamic Ottoman Empire or, the native religions of Americas and Africa by Christian West, and a systematic destruction of Muslims and their countries by Western deep state today.

Organizers of the program welcomed the filmmakers of ‘TKF” with royal treatment and rolled out the red carpet for them at the theater. Abhishek Singh, President of FIA highlighted the mission, vision of FIA and moderator Jyoti Singh thanked all those in the audience for supporting their efforts, and Rakesh welcomed all to watch the movie with the filmmakers Vivek Agnihotri, Pallavi Joshi Agnihotri and their daughter Mallika Agnihotri. Vivek said to the viewers that whatever he wants to say is shown in the film and requested everyone to watch the movie and share their views with them and others at large across all social media.
The viewers watched the movie over two hours to grasp the stories of the Kashmiri Hindu exodus and genocide in the film. It was an effort to remain sensitive to the emotional capacity of the audience to take the movie in a learning stride, thus an achievement by itself. The film truly makes you appreciate the skills of Vivek and his team in weaving all the true incidents into a heartbreaking story to tell the truth to the world, which would not be possible without their immense effort in a thorough research.

The movie deeply touches you; it touches your raw nerves and wakes you up from your deep apathy and ignorance. It makes you wonder how the continuous killings and destruction of the most advanced civilization – Bharat is on its last stage of hope. It makes you ask a question to yourself, ‘whether Bharat is going to survive and revive itself or perish soon like any other civilizations.’
The preview audiences who were selected from a cross-section of the population expressed their positive reactions. They said that everyone must watch The Kashmir Files movie to understand the forces that have posed threats to Hindus for centuries. Everyone said that the filmmakers have done justice to the story and every actor had put a tremendous effort, and aided by solid performances in this collective film. All of them have become the real characters and not merely remained actors.
The message the audience took with them is that from now on, we need to stay united unconditionally, raise voices against minority appeasement and pandering by the political leadership, and stop sacrificing the lives of our soldiers in the process of eliminating terrorists. We all need to encourage our executive, legislative, judiciary, administrative, as well as others branches of the Central government, to get to the root cause of terrorism and eliminate it from the country.
After the Movie show, Vivek Agnihotri and Pallavi Joshi answered all the questions of the audience in an agreeable fashion. Following this, Sanjay Gokhale handed over the citations signed by the Speaker, and the Majority and Minority leaders of Rhode Island House of Representatives to Vivek Agnihotri for his brilliant direction of this true Hindu genocide story, and to Pallavi Joshi for her brave production and excellent acting.

slandRobert Lancia, a former member of the Rhode Island House of Representatives presented another combined citation released by the Governor of Rhode Island, Daniel J. McKee, to the producer and director of the TKF film. FIA members also honored them with Kashmiri shawls and souvenirs. Raj Gupta proposed the vote of thanks. Later, executive members of FIA and Indian American Community had dinner together at Olive Gardens before wishing a warm farewell to the TKF team.