ST LOUIS: Over 150 children between 5 and 12 years of age recently participated in a colorful entertainment program – UTSAV -hosted by the Bal Vihar of St. Louis.
The event was attended by over 600 people, including local dignitaries and elected public officials, at Clayton High School. Among the high profile elected officials present were Missouri Senator Maria Nadal-Chappelle, St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley, representative from the office of Claire McCaskill, United States Senator from Missouri. Also present were a number of sponsors, well known members of the Indian community in St. Louis and Bal Vihar families.
The event opened with a welcome address from Dr Sudhir Brahmbhatt, founder and president of Bal Vihar. He spoke about the organization’s journey of over 20 years sharing highlights defining its stands today.
The children were dressed in beautiful costumes and parents and guests didn’t want to be left behind making the view at Utsav very colorful and vibrant.
Actual Utsav started with homage to India and the freedom fighters followed by series of programs that walked the audiences through the beauty of India including its beaches, flowers, monsoon, various festivals and passion for sports. Also at display was a fusion event of Bhajan and Yoga that was much admired.
The culmination was an act from Bal Vihar Youth Group in collaboration with Gitana Group students. The skit demystified cultural stereotypes and carried the concept of “Same Difference”. Curtains on Utsav came down with one final song – “Jai Ho” where all participants from Bal Vihar and Gitana were on stage dancing to the tunes. A standing ovation from everyone in the audience capped the successful saga.
Through support from parents, local community and sponsors at large, Bal Vihar is looking forward to finding a permanent home for its school in two years. Utsav was one such stop in the fund raising efforts of the organization.
Center for Indian Cultural Education – Bal Vihar – has helped groom a breed of multi-cultural global leaders of next generation that have been shaped by the best of the cultures from east and west. The ultimate goal is “to throw the light of cultural knowledge on every child, to make every child an outstanding citizen and to spread the song of peace and harmony around the world.”
Raj Iyer & Ashwin Patel