Ashwin Patel
ST LOUIS: The India Association of St. Louis (IA) celebrated Indian Republic day at the Mahatma Gandhi Cultural Center with two groups of children carried the Indian and American national flags from the west end of the stage to the dais and hoisted the flags.
This was followed by the outgoing Secretary India Association, SathishNanjappa, welcoming all the audience and briefly explaining the importance of the day. The outgoing president Sanjeev Rao presented his remarks and welcomed chief guest, Dr. GV Naidu, to deliver the keynote.
Dr. G V Naidu, a prominent community member also a life member of IA, mentioned history and initiation of republic day celebrations. Also, his involvement in the India independence movement encouraged Indian-Americans ‘ participation in the betterment of both India and America development to strengthen both the country’s partnerships in all relevant areas. Shared his wishes to IA members, an account of Republic Day of India celebrations. Following the inspirational speech of Dr. G V Naidu, Board thanked all attendees, and sweets and snacks were distributed.
Sathish Nanjappa, a young community leader who gained prominence for his long-standing tenure of exemplary leadership for Indian – American community – has been elected as the new Indian Association of St. Louis (IA) President for 2020-2021 at the General Body Meeting held on February 1, 2020, at Mahatma Gandhi Center.
SathishNanjappa a well-known frontline community figure of the Indian American community, Secretary to India Association of St. Louis for 2019-20 been unanimously elected with collective acclamation – along with the newly elected executive board team comprising of Venkateshwara Rao Vallurpalli as President-elect; Suren Pathurias Secretary, Satyanarayana Gudivada as Treasurer, also directors SeshaMadireddy, Haridas Karta, Raghavan Rajagopalan, and Smita Parik,
The general body meeting began with incumbent IA President Sanjeev Rao Chintakunta welcoming the representatives of IA organizations who went on to thank them for their steadfast support in helping IA cross milestones. He comprehensively outlined the programs and pledged support to the new team. He also thanked outgoing board members, ViajyalakshmiBuddhiraju, Meera Jain, GirijaKasinadini, and Vijay Bhutoria.
Newly elected IA President Sathish Nanjappa expressed gratitude to IA members for allowing him to serve as IA President with such resounding strength of unanimity. He assured taking a bold approach to undertake new initiatives underlining IA stand that involves promoting the community’s shared vision, values, and mission.