ST LOUIS: Telugu Association of St. Louis (TAS) celebrated Diwali on October 26 in a spectacular way in Kirkwood School, Saint Louis, MO. More than 1000 people attended the event. There were wide range of cultural programs performed by local talents.
Dressed in attires reflecting Telugu culture and tradition, artists presented programs which drew huge applause from the audience. Stage decoration, audio visuals and great themes to reflect Hindu mythology were the highlights of the event. Huge cut outs of Ganesh, elephant-head God, train station, country-side house and palace props set the festive mood for the audience.
TAS members and their kids participated in a variety of skits, classical and Tollywood dances and singing. TAS organized two skits; one with social message “Nijamaina Diwali” (True Diwali) depicting helping less fortunate people and another one from Mahabharat (Kshatra Pariksha). Both drew a lot of applause from audience.
President Dr Ramamamohan Reddy Paduru reminded everyone of the marvelous successes of the past TAS events, both cultural and social service programs and laid out TAS’ plans for 2014. Dr Reddy praised and thanked the parents and kids who were actively engaged in social service programs this year.
Vice-President Dr Rama Krishna Gondi and Secretary Kishore Janga played a key role in conducting the event successfully. Treasurer Muralikrishna Puttagunta managed member registrations and reception area while Cultural Secretary Srikanth Saraswathula coordinated the cultural events. The participants were awarded TAS trophies.
Authentic South Indian dinner left the taste buds of everyone satisfied.
Ashwin Patel