India Post News Service
MILPITAS, CA: The Telangana American Telugu Association organized a blood donation camp in Bay Area in association with American Red Cross in Sri Satyanarayana Swamy Temple, Milpitas. More than 50 people donated blood and made this event a grand success.
The online reservation was overbooked and they welcomed all walk-ins. After the blood donation, the TATA team gave some refreshments to the donors.
Venkatesh Bukka, TATA Bay Area Regional Vice President, Srinivasa Manapragada TATA Director of cultural affairs, Regional Coordinators Prasad and Ravi Nethi invited all the donors and greeted them into the hall.
Venkatesh Bukka thanked Dr. Pailla Malla Reddy TATA Founder & Advisory Council Chair; Dr. Haranath Policherla Tata President & Advisory Council Co- Chairman; Bharath Madadi Exec Vice President; Anil Arrabelli TATA Executive Director; Vikram Jangam Secretary, TATA- AC, EC, BOD’s, RVPs, SC’s for their valuable support and guidance.
He specially mentioned and appreciated the contributions and support made by Sponsors Bayone Solutions and GSpann Technologies. TATA Bay Area Team thanked Naga Venkata Shastri garu and Veda temple for giving the opportunity to hold the blood drive in their premises.
Venkatesh Bukka thanked all the Media Sponsors and local Bay area organizations for supporting this social cause.