CHICAGO: The launch of the ‘Glory of Hyderabad’ was held with lot of fanfare and enthusiasm in Chicago on Sunday, September 5 at Shalimar Banquets on North Ave, Addison, in the presence of Mohammad Mahmoud Ali , the Telengana Deputy Chief Minister.
In his inaugural address Mohammad Ali said that Hyderabad has always been a point of convergence of many different cultures, traditions, festivals, and religions that gave it its distinct cosmopolitan character. “Hyderabad’s lingua franca, ‘Dakhini’, is a unique blend of several languages, typifying the true plural character of the city, where people belonging to different castes, creed and religions live in peace and harmony and participate in each other’s festivals with enthusiasm”, he added.
He said ‘Glory of Hyderabad’ is aimed at celebrating the famed ‘Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb’ and portraying the “Hyderabadiyat”, rather than merely glorifying Hyderabad’s historical achievements. “The Hyderabadi Tehzeeb is the traditional mix of civility, hospitality, courtesy, and grace in social interaction, the hallmark of which is respect and consideration”, added Mahmood Ali.
“K Chandrasekhar Rao has been considered as the best Chief Minister in India. He is committed to transforming the old city of Hyderabad into golden city of Hyderabad”, he added.
A.K. Khan, Director General, Anti-Corruption Bureau of Telangana, who was the Guest of Honor at the event, said that Hyderabad is well known across the globe on account of its rich history and culture, Hindu-Muslim unity, and above all, its unique cuisine. He paid rich tributes to Hyderabadi-Americans for their rich contribution to the socio-economic and educational fabric of the US.
Indian Consul General Dr. Ausaf Sayeed said that Hyderabad has recently been declared as the most livable city in India and also gained reputation as a home for such global giants as Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Google and Facebook.”While Hyderabad has been protecting and preserving its age-old culture and traditions, it has been proactive in welcoming and embracing the contemporary socio-economic changes”, stated Dr Sayeed.
He added, “I met KTR, Minister in Telangana Government during his recent visit to the US. Thanks to his professional approach and enlightened leadership, Telangana Government and the State of Illinois are going to sign a number of MoUs very shortly”.
Dr. Deepak Kant Vyas, Chairman Redberri Corporation, graciously outlined charitable donation from the Redberri Earth foundation that will include: a Scholarship for a student of need to pursue a Master’s level program in the US with a commitment to return to Hyderabad; establishing a Gold Medal Award at a University in Hyderabad; upgrading a Children’s ward at a selected hospital, and surgery for a polio patient with economic need. “We are committed to partnering with the Telangana Government on projects that make a difference and are repeatable”, he added.
Vyas opined that the four pillars of Charminar represent Character, Community, Courage, and Confidence. We want to set an example for giving back to the community in a way that reflects our commitment to social responsibility”, he emphasized.
Earlier, Mir Khan, Chairman, Glory of Hyderabad, in his welcome address, said that the children born and brought up in the US are not familiar with the inherent strengths and an array of positivities of Hyderabad. He said that efforts will be made, under the banner of the ‘Glory of Hyderabad’ to create awareness among the younger generation about the inspiring history and robust culture of Hyderabad.
He paid rich tributes to Dr. Ausaf Sayeed for organizing a number of high profile events in Chicago aimed at showcasing the culture of Hyderabad. He also applauded the generous efforts of Dr. Vyas for his commitment to finding enduring solutions to the problems of weaker sections of society in Hyderabad.
Mohammad Mahmood Ali presented Lifetime Achievement Award, on behalf of Glory of Hyderabad, to Khan Lateef Khan, Editor-in-Chief, Munsif Urdu daily for his services to community and for Urdu language, to A.K. Khan for his Meritorious and Dedicated Police Service, and to Dr.Ausaf Sayeed for his Exemplary Service to the Indian community of Chicagoland.
Dr Ausaf Sayeed and A.K. Khan jointly presented an award to Mohammad Mahmood Ali for Charismatic Leadership on behalf of the Hyderabadi Community in Chicagoland.
Iqbal Baig, Vice President proposed vote of thanks. He made a special reference to the management and staff of Shalimar Banquet for making the event a great success.
‘Glory of Hyderabad’ is a registered organization with Mir Khan as President, Iqbal Baig as Vice President, and Ashfaq Syed as General Secretary.
A H. Syed