Uddhav Thackeray– a new hope in modern Indian politics

Uddhav Thackeray– a new hope in modern Indian politics

A.Q. Siddiqui

If any Indian politician who is currently impressing Indians at home and abroad and kindling new hope in political leadership sphere, he is none but the Maharashtra CM Uddhav Bal Thackeray. Here is a cool, non-aggressive politician typically dressed like a middle-class common man, who is leaving Arvind Kejriwal far behind in many respects.

If Arvind Kejriwal won the hearts for his simple appearance, and good performance, and returned with a thumping majority, Uddhav is all set for the same. If any mid-term elections happen in Maharashtra, it will be only Shiv Sena under Uddhav leadership.

Uddhav’s performance and concern for the people of Maharashtra has already won hearts. Although, he is caught in the midst of Covid-19 onslaught, he is handling it more as an expert than a politician. A video posted by him on April 19 shows his simplicity and determination.

The video has no lavish editing, no political or hidden agenda, but a simple message for people from a responsible leader. He asked people to exhibit solidarity and continue thee courageous COVID fight. His address was in Marathi, but what impressed most was his quick switching to Hindi when he addressed the migrant workers in Mumbai. He assured migrant workers that state will take care of them.

Here he can be compared with Arvind Kejriwal who had early addressed migrant workers and appealed them to stay where they are and trust Delhi government for their needs. Whereas Uddhav Thackeray assured that they will be happily meeting their relatives as soon as the situation improves.

Uddhav did not sound like a politician but spoke as a concerned leader. And this is what makes him way ahead of Kejriwal in performance.

In his address, Uddhav said, he had requested private clinic doctors to open their clinics and check non-Covid patients from April 20. There are people who need urgent medical attention for heart, diabetes, hypertension and heart-related problems.

A prolonged lockdown has deprived many regular patients of medical assistance. Most specialty doctors in private hospitals and clinics have closed their shutters since lockdown. And no central directives are issued in this regard. Uddhav Thackeray has taken a right step in time of crisis. It remains to be seen how many doctors turn up for duty from April 20. If necessary, police protection can be provided to such clinics. 

Both Uddhav Thackeray and Arvind Kejriwal are sailing their governments through rough waters. Both are facing stormy political opponents. While Arvind Kejriwal turned compromising as he distanced himself from recent Delhi riots,and other law and order issues blaming police control being with central government, Uddhav is defiant and unbiased. Political observers feel Arvind Kejriwal diplomatically avoided a backlash from majority community and put his Raj Dharam under the cover.

Uddhav Thackeray on the other hand did not compromise for good governance. He did not compromise with his Hindutva ideology but he did not side with any community. He warned rumor mongers on social media against spreading hate messages.

While Arvind Kejriwal is scared of majority community backlash, Uddhav Thackeray remained unbiased for minorities. This does not reflect that he is compromising with Hindutva ideology. He is only observing his duty and Raj Dharam as a good ruler and he will be remembered for that.

In fact, he is an example for other politicians that an ideology must not clash with Manav Dharam. Late Atal Behari Vajpayee did not abandon Hindutva but he did not harm other minorities. He was much respected by Indian Muslims.

Late Balasaheb Thackeray said, “Shiv Sena is not against Muslims. But we are against pro-Pakistan Muslims.” His comment was a guiding force for Muslims all over India. Uddhav Thackerary is new hope for the people of Maharashtra.

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