Ramesh Soparawala
CHICAGO: Dr. Umang Patel is not only a front-ranking India born physician and a front ranking community activist but has also proved that he is the first among the front ranking donors when a call for financial help from the people in distress reaches him.
He has announced offering $1.2 million of his personal funds for donating life saving medical equipment from this country to needy in India, which is passing through a grave unprecedented health care crisis triggered by a spike in recent weeks.
The medical equipment were scattered in remote places in the country and were firstly to be collected at one stationin Upper Michigan area. Nimish Jani, former Schaumburg Trustee was instrumental in locating them and collecting them. Nimish Jani was also instrumental in talking to a few potential donors and it so happened that he brought up this topic to Dr Umang Patel, a community activist connected with a number of charitable organizations. Without batting his eyelids, Dr Patel felt convinced of the cause and right moment to come to the rescue of those who badly need help. He agreed to bear the cost of equipment and have it transported to India in time.
Nimish Jani who was recently honored for his community services by Hoffman Estate Mayor Bill McLeod got in touch with Nirav Patel and Amitabh Mittal who in turn got Air India agreeto swiftly transport the equipment to Ahmedabad, which eventually will go to required cities ASAP.
In words of Dr Umang Patel, “Nimish Jani called me appraising the grim situation from the Covid carnage in India and the dire need of help there. He with his strong contacts in the Heavy Equipment for Medical use Industry had identified the most appropriate Oxygen generating system to be shipped to India.”
Equipment was located in different locations inUSA and had to be brought to O’Hare to be airlifted to India immediately. We teamed up with VHPA of North America-Chicago Chapter. Nirav Patel and Amitabh Mittal took on this unprecedented logistic challenge and cargo was airlifted and reached in less than 24 hours.
The equipment being shipped:
1) Expeditionary Deployable Oxygen System: Model: EDOCS-120B VSA Oxygen Generating System – produces 120 liters per minute of medical grade oxygen (USP 93% +/- at 85 psi. Demo Unit w/ cabinet scratch
2) Deployable Oxygen Concentration Systems: Model DOCS-121 Oxygen Generating System – produces 120 liters per minute of medical grade oxygen (USP 93% +/-at 85 psi with test hours only)
3) Hospital Oxygen Backup Supply (HOBS). Provides oxygen continuity in an emergency from a bank of eight “H” size oxygen cylinders. (Demo units with mixed case shipping containers)

4) Patient Oxygen Distribution System (PODS).
5) A system of flow regulators to mount at patient bedside; includes multiple hoses with quick disconnect fittings to provide the distribution of the oxygen at a regulated pressure and flow. (Demo units with mix of aluminum and Hardigg case units)
6) Surgical Suite Oxygen Distribution System (SSODS). Provides Oxygen to the surgical suite for operating equipment such as ventilators; respirators and anesthesia machines. (Demo units with mix of aluminum and Hardigg case units.)”
The need in India is of mammoth magnitude and Dr Umang Patel appeals to all to extend all possible help to “our motherland in time of need and crisis.”