CHICAGO: Attended by scores of Chicago community leaders, Consulate officials and Indian Parliament members, the unveiling of Mahatma Gandhi statue in Chicagoland last week can easily be dubbed one of the grandest affairs. Much of the credit goes to Deepak Kant Family Foundation that donated a unique 5.1′ tall bronze sculpture weighing about 2200 lbs.
It was also noteworthy that the unveiling ceremony was done at the World Headquarters of Lions International in Oakbrook where in the club International president Naresh Agarwal, Indian MPs – Vivek Gupta, Sanjay Jaiswal and Ramesh Singh – streamed in from India. There was also the august presence of Consulates representatives from Indonesia, China, Nepal, Philippines, South Africa, and Lithonia besides the US Congress member Raja Krishnamurthy, Mayors of Oakbrook Sandwich and Burr Ridge at this ceremonial launch.
Indian Consul General Ms. Neeta Bhushan along with Deepak Kant Vyas from the Foundation and other dignitaries unveiled the bronze sculpture of Gandhiji that was designed by world renowned artist Philip Jackson from Europe. It was installed on white marble pedestal with the inscription “Mahatma Gandhi”.
The total height of the sculpture is 7.1″ together with the pedestal while its total weight is about 2200 lbs.
The Consulate in coordination with the Foundation and Deepak Kant Vyas plan for a permanent relaying of the sculpture at an appropriate location in Chicagoland to mark the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi next year.
The event was keenly attended by 200 invitees and guests and other invitees. Indian Consul DB Bhatti welcomed the guests while Consul General Bhushan highlighted the contribution of Mahatma Gandhi to world peace. She observed that Gandhiji though born in India was truly an international figure and that the Indian independence movement led by him was totally peaceful and non-violent. This was the biggest gift to the world ravaged by violence.
Mahatma Gandhi also inspired several world leaders including Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela. Albert Einstein was so much moved by Gandhiji’s thoughts that he commented “Generations to come, it may well be, many will scarcely believe that such a man as this one ever in flesh and blood walked upon this Earth.”

His philosophy has been beacon of hope and peace around the world. Mayor of Oakbrook Gopal Lalmalani presented a proclamation to Indian CG that recognized the contribution of the Mahatma to the world
Gandhiji Statue will be on display at Lions Clubs International World Headquarters. Deepak Kant Vyas said that hundreds of visitors come to the Lions Club every year and that there could not be a better location for the statue than the club premise for a temporary stay. The club is celebrating its 100th anniversary and it expects huge attendance from world over.
Lions Club is one of the largest service based organizations in the world. It is celebrating its centenary year in 2017 under the leadership of Lion Naresh Agarwal from India who is currently the President.
Ramesh Soparawala
India Post News Service