US will lose world leadership with Trump move on Paris

Madhu Patel
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President Trump

CHICAGO: The US decision to withdraw from the groundbreaking Paris Agreement on climate change has been unnerving to many, including a large number of Indian American organizations.

Chicago based NRI Press Club and the Hindu American Foundation have been quick to react voicing their concerns over the apparent ill thought out Trump decision to pull the country out of the climate pact.

In doing so, the US joins two other countries as the only nations not agreeing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to levels needed to maintain a stable climate, keeping global temperature rise “well below” 2°C.

NRI Press Club spokesperson Madhu Patel observed that it was a hard fought out battle for the right minded people and nations world over to strike a deal on Climate and Donald Trump in his eminent wisdom decided to get the country out of this well thought our agreement. “It is a bad day for America and the world,’ he said.

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Mat McDermott

HAF in its reaction said that it’s “our duty to advocate for protection of our environment. Mat McDermott, HAF’s Director of Communications and lead author of the 2015 Hindu Declaration on Climate Change said that, “Srimad Bhagavatam says that, ‘Ether, air, fire, water, earth, planets, all creatures, directions, trees and plants, rivers and seas – are all organs of God’s body. Remembering this a devotee respects all species.’ Unfortunately, starting to withdraw from the Paris Agreement represents a major step backwards not only in environmental protection, but the global leadership our country had developed on climate change and environmental issues.”

Several hundred businesses, including major energy corporations, recently expressed public support for the Paris accord and urged the US not to withdraw from it.

“The withdrawal from the Paris Agreement contradicts views of the overwhelming majority of scientific, business, energy industry, and spiritual leaders on climate change, as well as the will of the American people – all of whom believe the US is better off staying in the agreement,” McDermott added.

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Madhu Patel

Shortly after the announcement, several major US cities, as well as governors of the states of California, New York, and Washington indicated they would abide by the Agreement.

Similar re-commitment has been made by the world’s leading carbon emitters, European Union, China, and India, all of who have indicated willingness to increase their global leadership on climate change and clean energy. Earlier last week, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi told German Chancellor Angela Merkel that failing to act on climate change would be a “morally criminal act,” adding, “We do not have the right to despoil the environment for future generations.”

Surendra Ullal

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