ST LOUIS: The first Vedanta Sadas event in St Louis held November 3 and sponsored by the Hindu Temple of St Louis, Daya Arts, Abhinaya, and the Vedanta Society of St. Louis, turned out to be a grand success.
One of the prime highlights was a Bharatanatyam concert masterfully executed by Kiran Rajagopalan, and supported by highly talented musicians Ramya Sundaresan Kapadia (vocal), Kasi Aysola (nattuvangam), Visesh Uppoor (violin), and Suresh Kothandaraman (mridangam).
Although Kiran’s laya and adavus were impeccable, his bhava or expressions was what thrilled the audience the most. Kiran’s research into the literature, history, and philosophy of India, were eloquently conveyed to engage and educate the audience. Overall, the dance, narration, and the music merged so well that it personified the true nature of a “concert.”
The dance program was then followed by a short presentation by Dr Raghavan Rajagopalan on Vedanta Desika’s work , and by three excellent, scholarly presentations on the Vedanta philosophy by Swami Chetananada of Vedanta Society, Prof David Griesedieck of University Missouri, St Louis, and Prof Talayanar Santhanam of St. Louis University.
Each one addressed the three pillars of Vedanta, viz., Brahmasutra, Upanishad, and Bhagavad Gita, by highlighting the works of Bhagavan Veda Vyasa and BhagavanYagnavalkya.