CHICAGO: The Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America (VHPA), Chicago, has announced that it will hold first fund raising event November 16. One of the big planks of the gala event is to seek community support and blessings for its ambitious project to build a Hindu center in Chicago.
The event is scheduled at the Ashyana Banquet Hall in Downers Grove, a south side suburb of Chicago. It was announced that the evening will be attended by Dr Sambit Patra, a spokesperson iof the BJP. All details about building a Hindu center will be presented during the meet.
The organizers have sought inputa and opinion for building and construction of the Hindu center from the community. The how and what way we can be a part of this history will be discussed.
To support such a unique, noble and one of a kind event, a large attendance from all well-meaning community members and supporters will be highly appreciated, Nirav Patel, a spokesperson, said. VHPA is a 501c3 Non-Profit institution your donations are tax deductible. Funds collected are utilized for: Bal Vihar (State of Illinois approved language school; Seva in America (community service projects supporting local and national community); Seva in Bharat (helping destitute people in India via education and financial support); HMEC (temple executive meetings to help temples’ executive boards meet to share ideas; and Hindu center (a dream project to build a center for education and furthering Ideals of “Vasudev Kutumbakam or entire creation is one family.
VHPA is a volunteer-based organization and 99 per cent of donations received are utilized for charity. All or portion of the donation is tax deductible as it is a 501c3 approved charitable organization.