Surendra Ullal
It is the 72nd Indian Republic day, which is celebrated with vigor and enthusiasm by members of Indian community across the country. Indian Consulate in Chicago and many other community organizations had their celebrations, though virtual, in view of corona epidemic. The underlying patriotic sentiment was still noticeable and hugely appreciated by all right minded Indian-Americans and Americans too. We take this opportunity to wish all members of Indian Diaspora a great Indian Republic day and appeal to them to stay united behind the country of their origin and work steadfastly for its wellbeing. We have a few messages from our readers and well-wishers and we take pleasure in sharing them with you.

DR BHART BARAI Oncologist and former FIA President said the Republic of India will be celebrating 72nd Republic day. India has become a mature democracy from the grassroots to the national level. Over last 7-decades, people have built democracy into their DNA, starting to hold the elected representatives accountable.
For last 6 years, PM Narendra Modi led Indian Government has provided a superb example of Govt of the People, by the People, for the People.
A clean, Honest, efficient Govt dedicated for the welfare of the people and the Nation. India is continuing to become a strong and Vibrant nation: economically, educationally, culturally and militarily. Best Wishes!!
ANIL SHAH, President of the World Money Exchange and a big time supporter of any good community cause in his message appealed to the Indians at large to stand

solidly behind the Prime Minister Narendra Modi at this critical time of history. He has also appealed to the Kisan Andolan promoters and supporters to take a broader national view of their problem, and try in right earnest to working outa solution to this months old problem and agitation.
This Kisan campaign objectively is over done and the agitators are playing into the hands of many self-interested politicians and anti-national elements. Both are detrimental to the broader national wellbeing and it is high time the agitation is called off. It is important to note that India has found a really great leader in the person of NaMo and all of us should be strengthening his hands rather than chopping off them. Jai Bharat on this 72nd Republic day to all.

DR DAYAL MESHRI, a philanthropist and President of Advance Research Chemical Co., Tulsa, greeted all members of India Diaspora across the world on behalf of his corporation and on behalf of his family saying India is a great country and all of us should be making it even greater.
In a message he said India has not achieved her Independence nor has become a Republic without huge sacrifices from a large number of patriotic Indians in India and abroad. They had to suffer prison hardship, guns and lathis, and of course mental and physical hardship and torture.
The country is facing external threats and internal turmoil and it is the duty of every Indian whether in India or abroad, to meet the challenges and over come the problems. China and Pakistan pose a problem and so also selfish politicians to have their narrow ends served, compromise the Integrity of the country. Let us meet all these challenges in a united way so that sacrifices of Jawans and patriotic Indians of the past do not get wasted.
SUNIL SHAH Founder President Federation of Indian Association Chicago said Celebration of Republic Day 26th January is something so special and close to my heart since childhood.

But after coming to USA and started celebrating this auspicious event under the banner of Federation of Indian Associations, Chicago, felt more connected to motherland India.
It gives so much inner joy and satisfaction that though in a very small way, but for a much bigger cause we are able and fortunate to pay our tribute to our martyrs, who sacrificed their lives for freedom of our country. Andto bring awareness in our young and future generation about the significance of this day.
We feel so fortunate that we have best of both the worlds. World’s oldest democracy United States of America and worlds largest democracy India.
Long live USA & Long live India.

SMT SANTOSH KUMAR, Founder Chief of Metropolitan Asian Family Services, often described because of her caring of seniors as Mother Teresa of Chicago, wishing one and all a Happy 72nd Republic Day said that May God protect our mother land from wrongful forces to succeed in all their nefarious activities & endeavors.
“I wish Harmony, Unity and Peace to prevail in such a diverse, multicultural country to progress and make a mark on the world map! This is a very important time for India to come together as one Bharat. When we think of our country, we have to keep aside our selfish differences regarding religion, caste and languages, to unite as a one, India.”
“Without national unity and pride binding us together, our country is divided by meaningless and unimportant disparities and issues. It impedes the progress of the people of India and the thus the entire country. We must be broad-minded and be a true “Hindustani” which unifies us all together. We must follow our ancient scriptures that narrate, “Vishwa Kutumbhakam”.
“The beauty of India is its diversity. The acceptance of unity comes from accepting one another’s difference. India has prevailed since its independence as the largest most beautiful, varied democratic country in the world. My hope is to have a united India on the world stage that can address security and peace across to all nations,” she added
MAFAT PATEL, a leading businessman often described as uncrowned King of Mini India town Devon Avenue in Chicago, greeted all Indians across the globe on 72nd Indian Republic day with an appeal to stand up for the best interests of the country shedding prejudices and espousing the right cause and right persons in Indian politics.

In his considered opinion, the country has got the best possible political candidate in person of PM Narendra Modi who has nothing but the cause of India at heart and there is collective effort among disgruntled elements and self interest motivated politicians to disgrace him and disrupt his agenda. It is high time all right minded Indians everywhere to get united and see that this nefarious game of undeserving group of people and politicians does not succeed. Jai Bharat!

NIMISH JANI Trustee Schaumburg Township in his greetings said on January 26. This year, India celebrates its 72nd Republic Day, commemorating the historic moment when India became independent. The Constitution of India, which was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949, came into effect on January 26, 1950.
This completed India’s transition towards becoming an independent republic with a democratic government system, it gives me great pleasure to say that India has become, from third world country to among top nations of the world, overcoming many challenges and adversaries in past seven decades, I am most certain that incoming years India will continue shine and rise above many more countries. I wish all the best to India and its Leadership under the helm of Prime Minister Modi.