CHICAGO: Close on the heels of the University of Chicago establishing a Vivekananda Chair, one of the most prestigious centers of learning not only in USA but the world across, the New Haven based Yale University has now set up a Hindu Prayer Room.
This Hindu Prayer Room includes a traditional temple hanging bell, images of Swami Vivekananda, Nataraja statue and Hindu deities. It is open Sunday to Thursday 7-11pm in the basement of Bingham Hall.
Yale University on a 342-acre campus in New Haven (Connecticut), founded in 1701, with an operating budget of $2.82 billion, has about 15 million volumes in its library and its acceptance rate is 7.1%. About 12,000 students attend Yale, whose undergraduate tuition, room and board cost $55,300. Joseph R. Crespo, Peter Salovey and Sharon M.K.Kugler are Trustees Chair, President and Chaplain respectively.
Indians across Chicago land and Midwest have welcomed the resurgent interest in Hinduism and as put by Sohan Joshi, president of National Federation of Indian Associations; this gives a shot in arm to Indians across the world to shore up their activities in promoting Indian culture and thoughts globally.
Rajan Zed, President of Universal Society of Hinduism, described it as “a step in the right direction”. Zed commended Yale for recognizing the intersection of spirituality and education, which was important in Hinduism.
Nand Kapoor, former chief of Association of Indians in America joined Rajan in urging USA universities and colleges, both public and private, to respond to the spiritual needs of diverse student bodies and provide dedicated Hindu prayer/meditation rooms for quiet reflection, festivals and spiritual exercise; which would help in their personal growth.
Surendra Ullal