CHICAGO: A growing tribe of international airports offering Yoga facilities for the health conscious travelers has one more addition now. The Chicago Midway International Airport has announced launching of a “Yoga Room.”
In an effort to heighten its appeal to travelers, Chicago’s Midway Airport authorities have added a room for nursing mothers at the airport’s C concourse, a short walk from the Midway Boulevard food court. They seem designed to give travelers respite from the hectic nature of air travel, with flat screens displaying nature scenes and soothing music playing in the background.
Close on the heels of a similar facility offered at the O’Hare International airport in Chicago and four others in the country, the move by the City Aviation authorities has been accorded wholesome welcome by passengers and Yoga lovers alike.
Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, San Francisco International Airport and Burlington International Airport Vermont-all in USA, and Helsinki Airport in Finland, already offer yoga facilities.
The Midway facility features a sustainable bamboo wood floor, floor to ceiling mirrors, exercise mats, frosted windows, video monitor, and the audio plays soothing sounds. Sustainable elements were claimed to be incorporated in the design and construction of this room.
The yoga room, which is unstaffed, will be free for passengers wanting to practice yoga, meditate or just relax.” It’s really just a quiet place for people to go through,” said commissioner of the Chicago Department of Aviation, who got the idea for the yoga room after spotting one at San Francisco International Airport.
The two rooms, which cost about $75,000, are part of a series of efforts to spruce up Midway and O’Hare International Airports, Andolino said. In the past two years, O’Hare has added a few spas and its own yoga room, which has proved popular, she said. Another spa is being planned for Midway.
Welcoming Yoga room at the Chicago Midway, Rajan Zed, President of Universal Society of Hinduism, also praised the existence of “Meditation Room” at Albuquerque International Sunport in New Mexico and Raleigh-Durham
International Airport in North Carolina, and “Interfaith Airport Chapel” at Chicago Midway International Airport-all in USA. Meditation, prayer, reflection and contemplation bring positive results, he added.
Ramesh Soparawala
India Post News Service