At 56 years old, Maria Chiara wondered if she would have to give up her dream. Menopause had already come, she was feeling depressed, having pain everywhere, very tired, hot flushes, and she had been without a period for three years.
Then why did she have a burning desire in her heart to have a baby?
Dr Giovanni Brincivalli, a highly respected Italian doctor who studied at the University of Bologna medical school, said, “Like in the case of many women going through menopause, all the hormonal changes bring a lot of emotions, frustrations, aches, pains, and emotional, mental and physical challenges Maria Chiara was facing the same challenge. Sometimes she thought maybe she was going crazy. She felt as if her value as a woman, as a person, was fading away.”
This was until that fateful day when she read an Italian newspaper article about a visiting master healer from India, Dr Pankaj Naram. Maria Chiara said, “When I read the newspaper article, something just told my heart to go see this Doctor. Something told me that he could help me.”
Many people from around the world discover to their amazement how Dr Naram learned from a 125 year old master the deeper healing secrets , and how he uses them now to help more than a million people from 108 countries. Maria Chiara called Dr Naram to schedule an appointment, and was lucky to get one before it was completely full.
Before meeting Dr Naram, Maria Chiara was feeling depression, fatigue, pain, extreme hot flashes, and cramps. She came and experienced a pulse healing session with the Doctor. In 30 seconds of feeling the pulse in your wrist, Dr Naram begins telling you everything about what is happening in your body, mind and emotions. “It was amazing how accurate he was, without me saying anything,” Maria Chiara said. “How can he know so much from just feeling the pulse? It is amazing.”
Then Dr Naram asked her, “what do you want?” and she expressed her dream to have a baby. When Dr Naram said, yes this is possible, Dr Giovanni said he started to squirm in his seat a little. So Dr Giovanni pulled Dr Naram aside and said, “Do you understand, she has had 3 years of menopause, and is more than 50 years of age. How can you say it is possible?” Dr Naram smiled, and gently said, “It is not about what you want, or what you think is possible. It is about what is possible according to ancient secrets.”
Dr Naram assured her that he has seen many cases more difficult than hers and was successful in treating them. He told her it would take time and discipline to help and heal her and others, but many remarkable things are possible when cleaning the toxins from the body and rebalancing body according to what its nature is.
After this impactful meeting with Dr Naram, Maria Chiara made some disciplined changes in her diet according to his instruction (e.g. no wheat, dairy, lots of cooked green moong and vegetables), she started taking some herbal remedies that were formulated according to ancient principles for cases like hers, and Dr Naram gave her this home remedy to take every day.
Maria Chiara maintained this discipline for 4 months (diet, herbs, home remedy) without seeing many changes, simply feeling a little lighter and happier. After about 5 months she felt some changes in her body, and after 6 months her period began again. After that, she said her period began coming again like when she was younger. When she came back for her next appointment, she was elated. She said before she came the first time she was in pain, confused, and exhausted, and now she felt like she is in heaven. Her smile told it all.
Dr Naram said, “The ancient secrets for how anyone can live to more than 100+ years with vibrant healthy, youthful energy, and peace of mind, are stored in the ancient scriptures which are passed down from master to student, until I have become one of the recipients. How I can learn so much about a person from feeling their pulse, how I know what diet and home remedies to give them, how we know what ingredients to include in these very powerful herbal formulas, this all came from my beloved master and these precious ancient scriptures.”
Dr Giovanni said, “This is something I actually don’t know how to explain. I am very surprised, as from the medical point of view this is something very amazing. I have seen younger patients, they go in menopause and then with Dr Naram’s ancient healing secrets they again regained their cycle. But at this age? Actually I have never seen. I was very skeptical. And now what has happened for her is something fantastic.”
Dr Giovanni added, “I have seen in my own clinic how Dr Naram has helped difficult cases of infertility, hormonal rebalance, digestion challenges, asthma, psoriasis, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, back pain, fibromyalgia, diabetes, autism, obesity, high blood pressure, chronic depression, anxiety, phobias, ulcerative colitis, stroke, cancer, HIV, baldness, skin issues, and so many other chronic and acute health challenges. I know this ancient knowledge is precious and needs to be protected, preserved, and passed on.”
Dr Naram said, ‘It is not important what we think is possible, or what anyone thinks is possible. My master taught me that when people have a burning desire, and this burning desire inspires lots of discipline, lots of patience, lots of hope – then Ancient secrets can help them find the way to achieve many things that before seemed impossible.'”
Dr Giovanni added, “It was one of the most transformative experiences of my life. I now realize that as doctors we have a responsibility. When we see cases that we do not know how to solve the most honest thing we can say is, “I do not know if it is possible.’ And in that way, perhaps we will get away from ego and be ready to learn more.
Discovering what Dr Pankaj Naram has taught me from these ancient scriptures has helped me to see that many things are possible which I never before knew.”
Dr Naram said that his master lived to 125, and his master’s master lived to 145, all the way to the ultimate master who was Lord Buddha’s physician. His name was Lord Jivaka. “Although before known only to a relatively few, my master mentioned that in modern time, my responsibility or my mission in this life should be to help every home and every person.
That is why we created the Dr Pankaj Naram Seva Foundation. To help protect, preserve and disseminate the precious ancient knowledge from these ancient scriptures. Unless attempts are made to preserve this we face its total loss and that would be a disaster.”
Dr Pankaj Naram regularly travels from city to city, helping people and spreading knowledge of these ancient secrets. In July he will again be in many cities of the US, where people are discovering what is possible. To discover how you can become part of the solution, in helping make this world a healthier, happier place to live, you can write to questions@drnaram.com, or you can call 1-888-817-3481
Dr Clint Rogers