India Post News Service
DALLAS, TX: Surti Leuva Patidar Samaj (SLPS) Aastha Charities started as an idea among a group of women on a road to Austin, TX two years ago. The idea supported and nourished by the SLPS Community of Dallas slowly fructified turning into reality.
Basically, the idea was to create a group of individuals to promote charitable activities and have a platform to serve the local as well as the global community at large.
Some of SLPS Aastha’s past projects were- (1) a Winter Coat Drive benefiting Metrocrest Services. They assist individuals living in Carrollton, Addison, Farmers Branch, Coppell and the city of Dallas in Denton County., (2) a Toy Drive helping Children’s Medical Center during Christmas of 2016 and (3) a Canned Food Drive benefitting Irving Cares, Backpack Drive 2017 which donated 400 backpacks to two districts, Hurricane Harvey Relief Help at a local shelter. Yet another Toy Drive helped Scottish Rites Hospital, while several individuals from Aastha have volunteered to feed the homeless at Austin Shelter in Dallas.
2018 came with a very successful Backpack Drive beyond imagination. Last year, Aastha donated 400 backpacks, so the committee felt that this year they could reach a goal of 1,000. With this lofty goal, and a group of passionate Aastha Charities members, this goal was surpassed. They collected enough funds from the local SLPS Community to purchase 1,050 backpacks.
These were put together by the SLPS Youth and community members in less than five hours on July 31. On August 1, these backpacks were distributed to five Dallas Metroplex Districts for the students to start their school year in a successful manner.
SLPS Aastha Charities is very fortunate to have the support from the SLPS Community in Dallas, TX. They plan to expand and reach out to more people in need to promote their slogan: Giving Hope For A Better Tomorrow.