Ahmadiyya Muslim Community celebrates Eid-ul-Fitr

shamshadMuhammad Ahmad

DETROIT, Michigan: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Rochester Hills, Michigan concluded the Holy month of Ramadhan on June 14 and celebrated Eid-ul-Fitr on June 15.

“Eid-ul-Fitr is certainly a very happy occasion for believers as it signifies that Allah blessed us to take part in the blessings of the Holy month of Ramadhan by His Sheer Grace”, said Imam Shamshad Nasir.
A large number of Jama’at members gathered for the Eid-ul-Fitr prayers at Masjid Mahmood. The formal proceedings of the day started at 10:30 with the Eid prayers followed by Eid Sermon delivered by Imam Shamshad Nasir of the mid-west region.
“We are happy today gathered here to thank the Almighty Allah who provided us the opportunity again this year to avail the Holy month of Ramadhan and worship Him and seek His forgiveness.
“The Muslim festival, Eid is not an ordinary or worldly Eid. We certainly celebrate Eid with good clothes, nice food and meeting and greeting with families and friends. This is the outward part of the Eid. There is another part of the Eid that every Muslim must keep in mind. This part is the lessons and training that the Holy Month of Ramadhan provided us. We must keep those in front of us and make them part of daily lives,” said Imam Shamshad regional missionary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community.
At the end of the Eid Sermon, Imam Shamshad Nasir read a letter from Amir Jama’at USA Mirza Maghfoor Ahmad, in which he reminded the members their responsibilities to spread the true message of Islam with love and peace to all. After the message of the Ameer, the Imam led the members in silent prayers.

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