CHICAGO: It was Emirates Chicago that first hosted free screening of Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol as it was shot in Dubai, followed by Etihad Airways Chicago screening of Fast & Furious 7 as it was partly shot in Abu Dhabhi. Now was the turn of Air India USA to proudly present Akshay Kumar starrer, “Airlift”, the movie that has already attracted worldwide attention.
Air India Chicago city and airport team members sponsored a free show of Airlift at Big Cinema in Des Plaines on Sunday Jan 31 evening. All Indian travel agents and prominent Indian community leaders were invited for the show.
Air India Chicago Manager Nakul Chand, Airport Manager Rajeev Batish and District Sales Manager Katherine Thorat welcomed the guests for the show. Air India city and airport team members also brought their families.
The entire show was booked by Air India for the Indian community. A similar event was also initiated simultaneously by Air India San Francisco.
Nakul Chand thanked all for joining the show and reminded that the Air India Kuwait operation was a matter of pride for all Indians and it proved to the world that Air India is always there for Indians abroad.
Airlift is based on true story of August 1990 Kuwait attack by Iraq when hundreds of Indians were stranded. It was then in a historic aviation operation, Air India carried 111,711 Indians back home from the war zone. It created a Guinness world record as the world’s first civil airliner for the largest aerial evacuation operating 488 flights for over 59 days to rescue stranded Indians in Kuwait.
Rakesh Asthana, an Indian community activist in Chicago was among the invited guests. He happened to be actually present in Kuwait through the entire ordeal of Indians. He recalled few tragic events to media persons and praised Akshay Kumar for doing a real life role. He also appreciated Air India Manager Nakul Chand and his team members for screening the movie.
A.Q. Siddiqui