India Post News Service
In June 2021, BAPS Charities held its annual walk/run across 70 communities. This year, unlike the past, the event was primarily a virtual one out of concern for the safety of the participants and volunteers due to the ongoing effects of COVID-19.
Building from 2020 and continuing its tradition of supporting global and community causes, this year’s walk/run supported Susan G. Komen and its efforts to address breast cancer on multiple fronts, including advocacy, research, and patient support. In 2021, an estimated 281,550 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in women in the U.S., along with 49,290 new cases of non-invasive (in situ) breast cancer.
Communities that have a sense of shared responsibility have a greater power to provide help and assist those in need. Year after year, BAPS Charities’ walks and events remind us that by uniting in the spirit of service to others, we can all go further. In alignment with this mission, participants in this year’s In The Joy Of Others Walk|Run collectively pledged to walk 100 million steps.
People of all ages took part, from 5-year-old first-time walkers to senior citizens. The event format allowed participants to achieve their steps in a manner they felt comfortable and safe. It gave families a noteworthy reason to get out and do something together, allthewhile bringing attention to a good cause. Over 11,000 registered participants logged over 200 million steps, far exceeding the initial goal.

Dhruval Amin, a BAPS Charities volunteer, said, “Breast cancer affects communities, their families, and their friends. The partnership between BAPS Charities and Susan G. Komen is an opportunity for us to work together to further reduce deaths from breast cancer and increase awareness about this disease.”
Dr.Jamin Brahmbhatt, a participant, echoed this sentiment and said, “It’s such a great opportunity to bring the family out and be able to do something together while helping a good cause. I was also inspired to see so many teenagers participating, not just in the walk but also sharing their personal stories on social media. Engaging the next generation is essential, and I am glad BAPS Charities shares that commitment.”
The virtual event concluded with the organization’s only in-person walk of this year’s event. Organized in conjunction with Susan G.Komen, participants, volunteers, and supporters gathered at the Los AngelesColiseum in Los Angeles, CA, to recognize the commendable works of both organizations.
During the pre-walk ceremony, which included brief speeches by State Senator Maria Elena Durazo along with many other public officials, BAPS Charities presented Susan G. Komenrepresentativeswith a $50,000 donation. The gift was leveraged months earlier as part of a matching gift campaign to raise an additional $50,000 for the cause. All matched contributions will go towards supporting Susan G. Komen’s mission in saving lives and investing in breakthrough research to prevent and cure breast cancer.
Speaking at the event, Mark Pilon, Executive Director of Susan G. Komen’s efforts in Los Angeles, said, “We are incredibly grateful for the continued support of BAPS Charities. Thanks to your support, we will be able to help more women and men get the care they need to live a longer, healthier life.”
“It’s astonishing to see everyone get together in new, innovative ways, despite such a tough year with the pandemic. The way young and old adapted to the virtual format and spread the word was fantastic,” said Nilkanth Patel, President, BAPS Charities. “This year, over 11,000 walkers joined the virtual event to take over 200 million steps, together. The collective actions of the community have helped support Susan G. Komen as well as the numerous local and global charitable and humanitarian services conducted by BAPS Charities.”

“We are so proud of our partnership with BAPS Charities as they are truly a servant-minded organization, and they demonstrate that generosity every day,” said Paula Schneider, President and CEO of Susan G. Komen.
In addition to this annual event, during the COVID Pandemic,BAPS Charities has provided over 350,000 pieces of personal protective equipment; donated $200,000 in financial assistance; delivered over 100,000 meals; donated over 20,000 pounds of food to local food banks, and has helped vaccinate over 57,000 people at 63 vaccination drives across North America. Also, BAPS Charities provided lifesaving resources and expertise in India through its partner hospitals and volunteers. The various forms of support included ventilators, oxygen concentrators, medicine, meals, ration kits, fresh vegetables, PPE, and temporary beds. More information can be found at www.bapscharities.org/usa/covid-19/