CHICAGO: A trio of community activists in Chicagoland – Jodh Singh Rawat, Kanubhai Brahmbhatt and Madhu Patel – hosted a unique event here at Manav Seva Mandir last week honoring two Indian stalwarts, the Octogenarian Dr N Subbarao and Dr Amarjeet Singh.
Many among Indian Americans would have faint memories of these two great frontline Indians and one of the objectives of this trio of community activists was to remind the NRIs here about the handsome work that Dr Subbarao and Dr Singh did for their motherland and the community at large.
Emceed by Ms Gaitheri Rathore and presided over by noted oncologist from Indian, Dr Bharat Barai, the two-hour event was attended by 100 plus guests and invitees from all walks of life and all India communities. As put by Jodh Singh, “we also wanted to pay our respect and tribute to these two great souls and let them know that NRIs do cherish their good deeds.”
Dr Subba Rao is probably the only living Gandhian who actively participated in Quit India movement in 1942 and got imprisoned for fighting for Indian Independence. He was the youngest satyagrahi wearing khadi at the age of 10 in 1942 in Mysore state. A socio-spiritual leader Dr S.N Subba Rao is a living and moving encyclopedia, making his presence felt and words memorable wherever he goes. He likes himself to be called a “ghoomakkad” – the traveler.
Dr. Amarjeet Singh is a noted scientist and Padmabhushan recipient in 1985.
Food was provided by the India House and rest of the preparations fell upon the shoulders of Jodh singh Rawat, founder of Forum for Gandhi Awareness Worldwide and Kannu Bhai Brambhatt of Yog Setup Universal and Madhu Patel founder of eklavya ashram. The Center of Indian Classical Music had their new venture launched in the presence of Dr Subbarao and Dr Singh.
Jodh Singh Rawat welcomed people gathered there and then urged Emcee Ms Rhatore to invite Dr Subba Rao up on the stage. The majestic looking grand Mahalxmi Hall of Manav Seva Mandir was glittering to find their two dignitaries on the stage probably for the first time, with different and extraordinary backgrounds.
Dr Subba Rao was honored and garlanded with fresh flowers by Hari Bhai Patel, president of Senior Pariwar. Dr Amarjeet Singh was garlanded by another community leader Thakar Singh Basati. Dr Bharat Bharai, president of the welcoming committee, was welcomed and garlanded by Madhu Patel.
Dr Subba Rao started his speech by reciting bhajans in all the main languages of India and from all the major religions of the world. The audience was spellbound. The way Dr Rao touched the whole world and the whole humanity with his captivating language; he mesmerized everyone by words of wisdom. Dr Subba Rao spoke widely about Mahatma Gandhi and his mission, his vision and his philosophy of non-violence. Dr Amarjeet Singh thanked all for honoring him.
Food was served by India House Restaurant.