CHICAGO: The American Society of Quality, the world’s largest network of quality resources and experts, will honor India-born engineer Dr Manu K Vora for his innovative contributions and achievements in quality quality. Dr Vora will be thus honored on May 5 in Indianapolis, Ind., ahead of ASQ’s World Conference on Quality and Improvement.
Dr Vora will be recognized with nine others and will receive 2013 ASQ’s Spencer Hutchens Medal for his commitment to social responsibility in founding, funding, and leading the Blind Foundation for India to serve over 15 million blind people in India.
Dr Vora is Chairman and President of Business Excellence, Inc. He has over 38 years of leadership experience guiding Fortune 500 companies with Baldrige Performance Excellence assessment in the areas of leadership development, customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and process excellence. Since 1993, he teaches “Quality Management” and “Project Management” courses at various business schools in the Chicago area.
Dr Vora has B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering and MBA with Marketing Management. He has taught Business Excellence to audiences in Africa, Caribbean, Far East, Latin America, Middle East, and USA.
Dr Vora is serving on the Board of Examiners of the International Asia Pacific Global Performance Excellence Award Program since 2004. He is recognized with numerous awards from ASQ.
ASQ is a global community of people dedicated to quality who share the ideas and tools that make our world work better. With millions of individual and organizational members of the community in 150 countries, ASQ headquartered in Milwaukee, Wis, has national service centers in China, India, and Mexico.
Suri Swamy