GOPIO hosts annual business convention

GOPIO members and guests
GOPIO members and guests

CHICAGO: Chicago Chapter of Global Organization for People of India Origin (GOPIO) hosted its 2nd Annual Business Convention and Gala on November 13 at Oak Brook Marriott Hotel, in Oakbrook, a South side suburb of Chicago. It was attended by many corporate executives, State and local Government officials, Asian-American and small and minority business leaders.

The objective of the event was to promote common cultural heritage and create binding relationship among the business community. Raja Krishnamoorthi, US Congressman Elect, who was one of the keynote speakers, congratulated GOPIO’s Chicago leadership for hosting a business conference like this. He said he would support the Indian community and GOPIO Chicago to create a business environment that will help to grow Indian businesses, especially the startup companies.

Dr. Ausaf Sayeed, Consul General of India, Chicago, in his inaugural address said that GOPIO Chicago created a platform for all the small and large Indian business owners to do business networking and grow their businesses.

Mike Quigley, U.S. Congressman said that businesses are failing mainly on account of lack of proper direction to grow and paucity of required funding to launch new technology products. “I will work with GOPIO Chicago to find a solution for this issue”, he added.

Sam Pitroda, a former Principal Advisor to Indian Prime Ministers Rajiv Gandhi and Dr. Manmohan Singh, added that a business conference like this is a first step to bring Indian business owners under one umbrella and conferences like this need to be held in various parts of U.S cities by GOPIO Chapters. “Also need to participate in events like PBD and to expand their businesses to India as well, since India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world’, he added.

Dr. Deepak Vyas, President & CEO, Redberri Corporation shared his views as to how he started his business as a small startup company, the challenges he faced to grow his company and the strategies he used to grow his company to a large corporation.
Dr. Neeti Parashar, Nobel Prize winning team member added that Indians are very bright in the field of business and technology, they are very hardworking and are people with a great vision. She shared some of her research experience, challenges she faced after coming from Delhi as an immigrant, and became a professor in Purdue University. “Eventually dedication and hard work helped me being part of the Nobel Prize winning team on their invention of Subatomic particles in 2013.

Dr. Gopal Lalmalani, Mayor of Oak Brook shared his career challenges as a cardiologist, Mayor of one of the affluent suburbs of US, bringing more businesses and their headquarters to Oak Brook, balancing the budget for the city after maintaining lower tax rates. He said that Oak Brook is one of the best and affluent suburbs to live in Illinois and he expressed his gratitude to GOPIO Chicago’s leadership for hosting the event in Oak Brook. Other CEOs who talked on various subjects at the business conference were Dr. Anil Oroskar, CEO of Orochem Chemical Corporation and Mr. Manish Gandhi, CEO of Power Plant Corporation.

Gladson Varghese, President, GOPIO-Chicago, while making his presidential remarks, said that GOPIO is one of the largest Indian organizations outside India with Chapters in over 20 countries. “Indians are highly visible in political and business landscapes and several Indian- Americans hold key positions in Fortune 500 companies and own large businesses. “Because of their affluence and economic power, Indian-Americans are a natural marketing target for many organizations and businesses”, Varghese added.

GOPIO presented awards to the winners in a ceremony. Sam Pitroda, former Principal Advisor to Indian Prime Minister & Chairman, C -Sam Corporation was awarded as Businessman of the Year, Deepak Vyas, Chairman, Redberri Corporation was awarded as Community Leader of the Year, Congressman Elect, Raja Krishnamoorthi was awarded GOPIO Presidential Award for Excellence and Prerana Mitta, a medical student, was awarded Student of the Year.

The Business Conference was conducted by Board Member Krishna Bansal and Sharan Walia in a professional fashion.The guests were welcomed by Board Member Vikrant Singh and MC for the evening was Savi Singh. Ashfaq Syed thanked all the dignitaries, GOPIO Board members, CEOs of various companies, Media, Sponsors and all the audience for their support for GOPIO Chicago.
The Business Conference ended with Bollywood style entertainment programs including dances, music and DJ. At the end of the program, Indian style dinner and cocktails were served to guests.

Ashfaq Syed

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