Jayanti Oza
CHICAGO: The Indian Seniors of Chicago hosted a grand celebration of Diwali along with birthday celebrations of seniors on Saturday November 13, 2021 at the Manavaseva Mandir in which 190 members attended.
It was also the general body meeting of the Seniors successfully conducted by Bipinbhai Shah. The start was with Hema Shastri, Panna Shah, Bhupendra Suthar and Geeta Suthar singing Sarva Dharma Prarthanafollowed by Bhupendra and Geeta Suthar reciting Shri Hanuman Chalisa with many members accompanying. Treasurer. Desai presented the accounts for the month of October. He urged all to update the annual membership for the year 2022 immediately. On the occasion of Diwali, Professor Sharadbhai Shah said that Diwali is the most important and sacred festival for Indians. Various religions of India celebrate Diwali. He said that Diwali is a festival to remove the frustration, despair and superstition and vices in us and take stock of the entire yea gone by.
Dr.Anantbhai Rawal talked about the holy festival of Bhai Bij that it is related to Yama and Yami, brother and sister. On this day, the brother goes to the sister’s house and wishes her a happy life. In Saurashtra this festival is celebrated as Veer Pasli in which sister goes home to brother.
Yoga activist Mrs. Bhanuben Mehta explained the importance of yoga for living a self-reliant life observing that regular practice of asanas like Swasana, Tadasana keeps the body healthy. She demonstrated some. Explaining the history of Thanksgiving Day, Mr. Bipinbhai Shah said that Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November every year in America. George Washington was the first to declare a holiday on the 19th. On this day family members gather, pray to Jesus, as well as have a mass dinner of turkey, pumpkin, potatoes, beans, etc.
Bhupendra Suthar and ArvindKotake conducted the birthday celebration program. Kotake initially told some nice jokes and then requested the members who have birthdays in November to come forward. Greeting cards were handed over by the chief guest Devendrabhai Parikh. Members sang ‘Bar Bar Din Ye Aaye… Happy Birthday to You’ and sent their best wishes.

The president of the organization, Dr. Narasinhabhai Patel’s 90th birthday was celebrated in a very grand manner. Secretary Hirabhai Patel said that Narasinhabhai Patel has rendered services to the organization for the last 20 years. Hirabhai Patel and Mrs. Hema Shastri welcomed Narasinhabhai by offering a bouquet
On this occasion both the sons of NarasinhabhaiDilipbhai and Rashmibhai were present flowers and they received the blessings of father. A beautiful decorative cake was cut by Narasinhabhai Patel. Mrs. Bhanuben Mehta sang the song ‘TumheJanmadin Ki Badhai’. Photographs were then taken with all members of the committee.
Secretary Hirabhai Patel gave details of the annual program organized by Indian Senior of Chicago informing that the annual program will be held on 11th December, 2021 in the Mahalakshmi Hall of Manavaseva Mandir He also said that Hitesh Master Group and other singers will be presenting the program . Narasinhabhai Patel noted the untimely demise of Shri Jagdishbhai Suthar, an active member of the organization. All members observed a two minute silence and prayed to God for eternal peace in their souls.