ST LOUIS: Members of Gujarati Samaj and Youth Group participated for Unity run with hundreds of runners in St. Louis’ Forest Park Saturday, April 20 to show support for the Boston Marathon and the running community.
Organizers of the Go St. Louis Marathon put together the run. There was no fee for what was deemed the Boston Marathon Unity Run. Several runners wore blue and yellow, the official Boston Marathon colors.
Go St. Louis began organizing the run two days after the bombing at the Boston Marathon. A local woman wants to keep the passion for marathon running alive. Kelly McBride is an avid runner on a mission. Her goal is to unify runners from all walks of life to get together and show support for the victims of the Boston marathon bombing.
McBride came up with the St. Louis Unity Run For Boston, a 3 -mile run to honor and support Boston and everyone affected by the recent marathon bombing. The grassroots effort started with a Facebook page. McBride says she hopes to get her message of unity and peace across.
“I think that a lot of acts like aim to give people fear so they won’t go out and not show strength in numbers and unity. This is really just up against that and saying no we’re strong Marathoners.”
Ashwin Patel