‘Hanuman’ beer withdrawn following strong protests

hanumanbeer-webCHICAGO: Odd13 Brewing, Inc., of Lafayette (Colorado) has withdrawn “Hanuman” beer following protests from across section of Indian community in the country

On the brewery’s website, all the references to Hanuman have been removed. Single Hop IPA seems to have taken the place on the website where “Hanuman” beer once existed. Single Hop Australian Summer shows up where once Hanuman Australian Summer was mentioned.

The protest was spearheaded by Raja Zed, president of Universal Society of Hinduism. Decrying efforts to denigrate Hindu gods and goddesses by a number of commercial corporations marketing their consumer products, he said the beer with Lord Hanuman picture was “highly inappropriate” and had hurt sentiments of devout Hindus across USA.

Sohan Joshi, president of National Federation of Indian Americans, said it was really demeaning on the part of any individual or company to use and misuse the name and pictures of deities whatever religions they may represent. They are revered figures and are representing in a way the Omnipresent Supreme power. “We have to take up this matter with the top layer of administration in this country and the lawmakers as well to ensure that anybody resorting to this tactic needs to be criminally persecuted. We will not take this lying down anymore” he said.

Madhu Patel, president of NRI Press Club observed that Odd13 Brewing has withdrawn Hanuman Beer following “our protests” but it has already done the damage.

Rajan said that such trivialization of Lord Hanuman was disturbing to the Hindus world over. Hindus are for free expression and speech as much as anybody else, if not more, but faith is something sacred and attempts at trivializing it hurt the devotees. Zed says that businesses should be respectful to various faith traditions. In Hinduism, Lord Hanuman is known for incredible strength and was the perfect grammarian.

He however, thanked and commended the “Odd13 Brewing” for appreciating hurt feelings of Hindu community and for showing responsibility, respect and maturity by taking quick action in withdrawing “Hanuman” beer.

Before the protest, “Odd13 Brewing” described Hanuman beer as: Hanuman is an American IPA with a light malt character that showcases robust hopping. Giving the “story” behind “Hanuman”, which was styled as “Single Hop IPA”, it then stated: “Hanuman is a kind shape shifting super-monkey”.

Ryan Scott, brewery’s co-founder, was quoted in the media today: We didn’t mean for it to be offensive… the name for the beer originally came from a Facebook contest.

Surendra Ullal

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