IADO honors newly elect Ram Viliivalam

Madhu Patel

CHICAGO: Indo American Democratic Organization (IADO) hosted a reception in honor of Ram Villivalam a newly elected Indian American to the Illinois State legislature in recently held elections.

The reception in Chicago hall was full with around 100 people including top Democrat leaders. A good number of IADO members and local elected officials, friends and family members too came. This was in spite of inclement weather.

Born and raised in USA, Ram Villivalam kept on thanking his immigrant family who guided and pushed him to follow the rational Indian values placing huge emphasis on family ties, education and the positive thrust with hard work.

It was a clear message of what the Eastern first generation migrant’s contribution to the society in USA underlying the basic Indian philosophy –
“Village/World Family- VasudhaAivKutumbakam. The first Indian-American elected official in the state legislature, Ram had his official swearing in on January 5 and chose to do so on the Bhagavad Gita.

Many attending the meet did appreciate this message and felt that the second generation needed to wake up as democratic values are being hijacked by today’s invading freeloader forces under the garb of democracy and equal rights.

With all contributors’ recognitions program ended in timely and elegant manner, with hope of Ram’s help and contributions in raising the Asian Americans’ voices to get east and west working towards the common goal of bringing up the society as such.

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