SCHAUMBURG: The Indian American Republican Organization (IARO) hosted a grand reception and fundraiser to re-elect Nimish Jani for Schaumburg Township Trustee recently and heavy community turn out and presence of a number of political stalwarts underlined the huge confidence and trust that Jani enjoys all around in this area.
Indian American Community in Schaumburg Township is made up of small business owners and highly educated professionals in the fields of IT, health care, engineering, finance, law, hospitality and many more.”Our community is educated and has proven itself to be the best in the field of profession and business. Now it is extremely important for us to get involved in serving on elected positions and help our people who are taking this initiative,” said Krishna Bansal, who is the Vice Chair of IARO, Commissioner of Naperville and a Community & Business Leader. “Nimish Jani has selflessly worked for our community and we need to help him in all possible ways to get reelected,” he added.
Tim Schneider, Chairman of Illinois Republican Party and Cook County Commissioner applauded the contribution of Indian American community and said that his association with Jani has taught him that Indians and Republicans have common beliefs. “Nimish Jani deserves support from Indian community” said Dr Bharat Barai stating that it is very important to support a person over party.
Mary Wrobleski, Supervisor of Schaumburg Township, appealed to everyone to come out and vote for Jani as she reminded Pete Patel had lost his election by only 32 votes just a few years ago. Ketan Patel, Chair of host committee and Diamond sponsor, said Nimish has pro-actively helped many people. Furthermore he is Indian American and he is Republican”.
Other key speakers included Tonia Khouri DuPage County Board Member, Ryan Higgins, Dr. Umang Patel, Dr. Hina Patel and other Schaumburg Township trustees.
The IARO aim is to educate, increase awareness and enhance participation of Indian Americans to promote a fair and transparent government in alignment with fiscally conservative Republican ideals and core values to improve the future of our citizens. Key IARO members present at the event were Prajesh Patel, Chirag Jani, Bharat Thakker, Parthiv Patel, Dr. Hemant Patel, Dr. Hina Patel, Nirav Patel and Krishna Bansal.
In response, Nimish Jani thanked everyone for their overwhelming support and asked all to contact at least 25 voters, and have them cast their votes on April 4. He also asked everyone to take Team Jani Yard signs and spread the word using word of mouth, social media, etc. while pledging his continuous commitment to help the community
Jani has been a resident of Schaumburg Township for over 24 years. As a small business owner, he is a strong advocate of fiscal responsibility, training and community services. He was first elected as the Trustee in 2013. In 2015, Governor Bruce Rauner appointed Jani as the member of ‘Illinois State Asian American Employment Plan Advisory Council’. He has served the community through various organizations (Lions Club, Kiwani, Boy Scouts, & BAPS Charities).
Ramesh Soparawala
India Post News Service