Immigration plan – How it could change America forever

Immigration plan

Vidya Sethuraman
India Post News Service

Ethnic Media Services (EMS) held a media briefing on June 14th on Trump’s immigration plan – how it will forever change the United States. Participants believed that this time, if Trump is elected, his immigration plan in the second term is likely to continue the style of the first term. He might implement large-scale deportations and establish detention measures such as encampments, freezing legal immigration categories and punishing citizens and, legal residents who study or live with undocumented people.

Cecilia Esterline, Immigration Research Analyst, Niskanen Center said the style of his immigration plan will be continued in his second term.  She said that under the plan, the Trump administration would create comprehensive obstacles to the normal functioning of the legal immigration system, introducing processing delays and other administrative obstacles. She said Trump’s plan does not reflect what the American public wants to see in an effective, safe and controlled immigration system.  Bill 2025 orders the Department of Education to deny access to loans to students, including US citizens, in schools that offer in-state tuition to undocumented immigrants, including DACA recipients.

Zachary Mueller, Senior director of research at America’s Voice Education Fund, said Trump’s immigration agenda presents three interrelated threats in the form of mass deportation, political violence and a risk to American democracy. Part of the signature promise of the Trump campaign is mass deportation. They are actively campaigning to detain and deport 15 to 30 million people.

Also ReadSome provisions of proposed bipartisan US Immigration Reform Bill to benefit Indians

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