‘India Awakes’ documentary highlights success stories of India

Jim Tusty, co-director/writer of the documentary, Dr Ausaf Sayeed, Consul General of India, Tom Palmer, VP, Atlas Network, Bob Chitester, CEO and President of Free to Choose Media and Denise M Jorgens, Director, International  House, University of Chicago at screening of "India Awakes
Jim Tusty, co-director/writer of the documentary, Dr Ausaf Sayeed, Consul General of India, Tom Palmer, VP, Atlas Network, Bob Chitester, CEO and President of Free to Choose Media and Denise M Jorgens, Director, International House, University of Chicago at screening of “India Awakes

CHICAGO: The University of Chicago International House (IH) hosted a free public event on January 21 within its Diplomatic Encounters Series around the documentary “India Awakes.”

The screening was preceded by Consul General of India Dr Ausaf Sayeed briefing on promising growth indicators following the recent economic reforms and followed by Q&A session with CEO & President of Free To Choose Media Bob Chitester, Vice-President of Atlas Network Tom Palmer and codirector/writer Jim Tusty.

Many prominent representatives and activists of the local Indian communities attended the pre-event private reception and participated enthusiastically in the Q&A. IH director Denise M. Jorgens welcomed the gathering and introduced the Series.

Dr Sayeed highlighted the conceptualization and execution of innovative flagship measures by Prime Minister Narendra Modi such as Digital India, Clean India, Make in India, Green India, and his commitment to bring about 100 Smart Cities and to lay down world-class infrastructure. India has emerged as one of the hottest destinations for global investors.

“While the population worldwide is aging, India is getting younger and by 2020 it would be the youngest country in the world in terms of average age of population”, Sayeed said. He added that these young Indians with their fresh vision and ambitious enthusiasm, are making a breathtaking contribution to the development of India as well as global development.

Produced by Atlas Network partner Free to Choose Network and narrated by Swedish historian and Cato Institute Senior Fellow Johan Norberg, the documentary focuses on bold initiatives taken by India in 1991, aimed at liberalization, privatization, and globalization, which resulted in creating fluidity between classes, triggering a boom that sent Indian incomes up at a compound rate of 7.5% annually in the last 25 years, lifting a staggering 250 million people out of poverty, and empowering India to come alive and flourish economically.

Meant to illustrate Mahatma Gandhi’s exhortation to “be the change you want to see in the world,” the documentary follows the stories of three individuals who are working hard to improve not only their own lives, but also of those around them, thereby illustrating how the human potential being unleashed promises to make India a preeminent world leader.

Each life story is a case-study of current upward mobility against all odds respectively from poverty (Banwari Lal Sharma), untouchability (Mammem Madhusudana Rao) or ‘criminality’ (Rama Bhai) to economic self-sufficiency, respectable status and social responsibility.

Sharma, president of a growing street vendor association, is helping fellow vendors in his area feel more empowered to demand their legal rights, after years of intimidation and bribes to corrupt local officials. Rao, born to the lowest rung of India’s caste system, the “Dalit,” broke free from the chains of his societal stigma and abject poverty through entrepreneurial perseverance.

His thriving construction firm has secured a higher quality of life for himself and his extended family, along with a new “millionaire” status. Bhai, a Sagai village leader and farmer, comes from a community called “forest people,” who were viewed as trespassers on the land where they have nevertheless lived and farmed for generations.

Using GPS technology and Google Earth they have now finally obtained legal deeds to their land. Empowered by the easing of government controls, they took charge of their own destinies, demonstrated their entrepreneurial perseverance, and are succeeding in breaking down centuries-old caste system.
Among the public intellectuals interviewed are author Gurcharan Das and Professor of Economics & Law at Columbia University Jagdish Bhagwati, and their observations helped animate the subsequent Q&A.

Daniel J. Schmidt, President and CEO, WTTW said that when governments introduce economic liberalization and people come forward to demonstrate their entrepreneurial skills, there will be beneficial outcomes for all the stakeholders.

“India Awakes” was released nationwide on public television stations August 15, 2015 and will be airing again over the coming weeks on nationwide on TV. DVD copies were distributed to the audience to publicize it further.

Sunthar Visuvalingam

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