CHICAGO: US based Perfusionist and ECMO Specialist Jyoti Dharod created history organizing the first of its type three-days Knee Camp in Kutch – Gujarat treating knee patients with her own innovative method that involved no invasive surgery.
Interestingly, all the patients coming to the camp were not charged any fee. This was possible because the expenses were taken care of by charitable organizations, some donors and volunteers rendering no cost services. Machine kits and medicines were taken from USA to rural areas in India.
Explaining the procedure essentially developed by Jyoti Dharod with the help of her colleagues and eminent medicos including orthopedic surgeon Dr Nwaneri Ucchena, she said that in a shorter form it is called PRP that involves “drawing 50 ml blood from patient. Centrifuge it and prepare Platelet Rich Plasma. (PRP)” The treatment was preceded by a small preparatory talk and question answer sessions with the patients and other participants.
In India she was in a position to enlist the help of qualified orthopedic surges and medicos including Dr. Suresh Shetty, Dr. Dhurmin Sangoi and local physicians.
The three-day camp was organized on February17 and 18 at Bidada, Kutch, Gujarat while culminating on February 19 at Gandhidham, Kutch, Gujarat.
The host organizations were Shree Bidada Sarvodaya Trust (India) Bidada International Foundation. “But for active help from Chairman Shree Vijaibhai Chheda, Trustee Shree Harakchandbhai Sawla and the full team comprising of Pankaj Dharod, Mohit Gala, Jaya Vora, Harsha Dharod, Upen Sawla, Khyati Sawla, we could not have achieved the success that we did ,” Jyoti Dharod told this paper.
The Coordinators for Guru were Pradeep Bhai Mehta and Harakchandbhai Sawla.
The success is measured by the number of patients treated and the success achieved thereafter. “We treated in all 55 knees – 13 Jain monks, and 22 patients among whom were big businessmen, industrialists and common men all under one roof. Interestingly all Jain monks from different paths came for treatment and expressed huge satisfaction thereafter. The consensus was that it has made history”, Jyoti added.
Encouraged by the huge response and success that the camp had, Jyoti Dharod is planning organizing more such camps in the near future. “But that would be after one year as at present we will wait and watch results. Another innovation could be to have treatment with the same procedure but using bone marrow and Adipose (Fat) also,” she said.
After the camps, Jyoti Dharod took time to address medical fraternity at three difference hospitals in Mumbai sharing her expertise as Perfusionist, ECMO Specialist and Scientist. On March 1 she had a talk on ECMO – How to manage and wean off ECMO, for three hours at Nanavati Hospital. It was organized by COO Dr. Rajendra Patankar and Medical Director Dr Deepak Patkar. On March 2, she gave a talk on the same subject at Lilavati Hospital.
It was organized by COO Lt. Gen Dr. V . Ravishankar and medical Director Dr. Conrad Rui Vas. On the same day she addressed a meet at SNDT University for four hours, about her India trip and camp . It was organized by Principal Dr. Sachin Laddha.
Ramesh Soparawala
India Post News Service