Know about Birth and Childhood of Lord Hanuman


Sunil Kumar D. and Indrajeet Tyagi

CHICAGO: Hanuman is known to be the embodiment of infinite power and strength. However, Hanuman has far more qualities and virtues, which play a major role in shaping his character. Lord Hanuman is known by many names and Valmiki’s Ramayana has detailed accounts of the stories of Hanuman, who is worshiped as the Lord with immense strength in the Hindu mythology.

Why Hanuman Ji is known as Avatar of Lord Shiva himself?

Hanuman was the son of Kesari, a Vanara and the grandson of Brihaspati, the king of Sumeru. His mother Anjana was an Apsara of the heavens and had descended to the earth as human, due to a curse. She and her husband had performed 12 years of penance and intense prayers due to which, Shiva granted them a child, as a boon. Therefore, he is known as the reflection or shadow of Lord Shiva himself.

Why Hanuman Ji is called Vayuputra?

According to another mythological story, Hanuman Ji is known as the son of the God of Wind, Vayu Dev who delivered a sacred pudding to Anjana while performing her prayers to Shiva, which originated from King Dasharatha’s ritual of Putrakama Yagya. The same pudding was eaten by the three wives of King Dasharatha, leading to the birth of Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Shatrughna. While this pudding steered the Vayu God’s energy into the womb of Anjana. Hence, Hanuman is popularly known as Vayuputra.

Why did Hanumana want to eat the sun?

Hanuman’s childhood tales are a source of great entertainment. All the grandmothers generally tell these exciting stories to their grandchildren. Hanuman was a very adventurous and restless child. He is believed to have mistaken the sun to be a ripe mango, and he jumped into the sky in order to eat it. Rahu, a Vedic planet was also pursuing the Sun at that time for a scheduled eclipse, and Hanuman thrashed him in order to avoid him from reaching the Sun first. This angered Lord Indra, who struck Hanuman with his weapon, thunderbolt. Hanuman fell down on the earth, unconscious, and also damaged his chin, leaving a permanent mark on it. This incident enraged Vayu Dev, his father figure, who sucked out all the air from the universe. When all the humans and animals began to struggle for air, Lord Indra withdrew the effect of his thunderbolt, and rejuvenated Hanuman. To pacify the Wind God, Many Devas blessed with multiple boons.

Please describe the list of boons that Hanuman Ji obtained from many Devas.

Brahma provided Hanuman with the irrevocable Brahma’s boons, which ensure that no one would be able to kill him with any weapon in war. He also blessed with the power of inducing fear in enemies, destroying fear in friends, and to be able to change his form to travel anywhere. Shiva blessed him with the boons of longevity, scriptural wisdom, and the ability to cross the ocean, and also gave a band that would protect him for life. Lord Varuna blessed him with the boon of immunity from water.

The Lord of Fire, Agni Dev, blessed him with the protection of burning by fire. Surya Dev gave him two blessings of yoga “Laghima” and “Garima”, using, which he can attain the smallest, or the largest form respectively. The God of Death, Yama, blessed him with the boons of health and immunity from weapons, thus securing him completely from death. Kubera, the treasurer of the Gods, blessed him with eternal happiness and satisfaction. Kamadeva, the Hindu God of love, blessed him to be free from lust, thus declaring him a celibate. His father also blessed him with even more speed.

Hanuman then became of student of Surya, and acquired a great deal of knowledge from him. Hanuman then asked Surya to charge a guru Dakshina from him, which he denied. However, Hanuman insisted a lot, and finally Surya asked him to help Surya’s spiritual son, Sugriva, as guru Dakshina. Hanuman then became Sugriva’s minister.

What does the Hanuman symbolize?

He is the God of wisdom, strength, courage, devotion, and self-discipline. Lord Hanuman is the symbol of “devotion” and “Karma Yogi”(one whose meditation and devotion are demonstrated through hard work or service). Hanuman was an ardent devotee of Lord Rama and dedicated a major part of his life to the Lord and his wife, Sita. Hanuman makes Rama and Sita to reside within his heart. Stories of his loyalty and selflessness towards them have gone down in history. He is a Chiranjivi (immortal). He lives closer to Earth than any other deity and thus he can reach you sooner during times of emergencies and need.

He is a Vanara, and avatar of Shiva (Shaivism), son and avatar of Vayu (Vaishnavism). Worshipping Hanuman Ji brings peace and tranquility to one’s mind, and helps in overcoming any adverse planetary conditions.

What is the moral message that we get from Hanuman Ji?

Despite his extraordinary abilities, Hanuman remained humble and selfless. He saw himself as a humble servant of Lord Rama, always putting others’ needs before his own. Hanuman teaches us the value of humility, reminding us that true greatness lies in serving others with a selfless heart.Lord Hanuman is regarded as one of the most powerful deities and the one who answers your pleas the earliest. Hanuman Ji always enjoys Ram Bhajans.

यत्र यत्र रघुनाथकीर्तनं तत्र तत्र कृतमस्तकांजलिम्
वाष्पवारिपरिपूर्णालोचनं मारुतिं नमत राक्षसान्तकम् 

Yatra YatraRaghunaatha-Kiirtanam Tatra TatraKrta-Mastaka-Anjalim
Vaasspa-Vaari-Paripuurnnaa-LocanamMaarutim Namata Raakssasa-Antakam ||

Meaning: Wherever the Glories of Raghunatha are Sung, there, Maruti (Bhakta Hanuman) is Present.

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