‘Modi Ka Parivar’ Bay Area march

Modi Ka Parivar

SAN FRANCISCO, CA: In an unprecedented show of unity and support, good amount of people from across the San Francisco Bay Area convened at the iconic Golden Gate Bridge for the “Modi Ka Parivar March” on April 7, 2024, at 11:00 AM PDT. The march, organized by the Overseas Friends of BJP-USA, showcased the deep-rooted respect and solidarity for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership and the collective aspiration of “AbkiBaar 400 Paar” in the upcoming Lok Sabha Election 2024.

Participants spanning all age groups, from young children to the elderly, gathered to express their unwavering support for Prime Minister Modi and his vision for India. The marchers, adorned in saffron and carrying flags, banners, and placards, formed a sea of support as they made their way across the Golden Gate, symbolizing the bridge of solidarity and unity that Modi Ji’s leadership has built among Indians worldwide.

The event served as a powerful statement of the Indian diaspora’s commitment to India’s progress and its support for the policies and direction under the current government. The enthusiastic participation of such a diverse age group underscored the wide-reaching appeal and impact of Modi Ji’s governance and his vision for an inclusive, developed, and prosperous India.

The “Modi Ka Parivar March” not only provided a platform for the Indian community in the Bay Area to voice their support for Modi Ji’s re-election but also highlighted the strength and vibrancy of the Indian diaspora’s engagement with the democratic process and their homeland’s future.

The Overseas Friends of BJP-USA extend their heartfelt thanks to all the participants for making the march a resounding success and for demonstrating the power of unity and shared aspirations for India’s triumphant return in the forthcoming elections with “AbkiBaar 400 Paar.”

About Overseas Friends of BJP-USA: The Overseas Friends of BJP-USA is a key organization that seeks to promote the policies and leadership of the Bharatiya Janata Party among the Indian diaspora in United States. Through events like the “Modi Ka Parivar March,” the organization aims to engage the Indian community in active support of India’s developmental journey under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership.

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