NEW DELHI: Muslims and other minorities are safer in India compared to other nations and these protests in Delhi and elsewhere were stage-managed by the jobless opposition who could not find any fault with the ruling BJP government, said Indresh Kumar, president of Muslim Rashtriya Manch, a unit of RashtriyaSwayamsevakSangh (RSS).
The Muslim Rashtriya Manch (MRM) is a Muslim organization is affiliated to the RSS. It was formed in 2002 at the initiative of the then RSS chief K. S. Sudarshan to allow the SanghPariwar to reach out to Muslims.
In an interview in New Delhi, the senior RSS leader said a large number of Muslims had extended support to abrogation of Article 370 and Triple Talak as they had realized how harmful these draconian laws are in the interest of the nation.
None of the CAA, NPR etc is targeted against Indian Muslims and the Government did not include Muslims in the group of persecuted minorities as they chose to live in the land of their own like Pakistan and Bangladesh, declared as Muslim nations.” No Muslim persecutes another Muslim and if they do, India will give asylum on a case to case basis as this involved national security. Many Muslims like TasleemaNasreen and Adnan Sami were living in India peacefully and were not deported,” he said.
Illegal immigration has been an issue for 25 years when Congress was in power and this was not something discovered new by BJP Government. “India has been home to many civilizations and faiths. A large number of Jews who migrated to Gujarat during the Second World War and an equal number of Tamils came from Sri Lanka as refugees and India never turned them away,” he said.
Muslim Rashtriya Manch is a non-political organization working for the welfare of Muslims in India. It is serving Muslims through its 2700 branches in 350 districts across India benefitting about 75 lakh Muslims. It runs food grain bank, first of its kind in the world; centers to redress family disputes; providing scholarships and assistantships to poor Muslim families and offer divorce counselling services to name a few.