State Rep Michelle Mussman and Laddi K Singh
CHICAGO: Ms Michelle Mussman, State Representative from District. 56 which includes Schaumburg – a northwest suburb of Chicago with heavy Indian population – had a luncheon meeting with local Indian Small Business Owners, Friday August 22 at Clay Oven Restaurant in Schaumburg.
She discussed State’ financial position regarding deficit which she said is much better than before. All State Pensions are being paid 100%. More jobs have been created; economy is in much better shape than before. There were realtors, insurance brokers, travel agents and not for profit organizers in attendance.
When asked about high property taxes, she said, “Property taxes are not levied by State alone, they are combination of local and state. There are many local units that also levy taxes like park district, school and college bodies. So as long as local bodies keep increasing taxes, property taxes will keep going up.”
When asked about high utility bills, she replied, “Commonwealth Edison is improving infrastructure. Their system is quiet old and needs to come to 21st century.” She also told the Not for Profit director, “There are grants available even to not for profit organizations from State. you need to get in touch with your State Rep and State Senator.”
Next small business meeting is scheduled for October 9. Details will be available shortly. Lunch was organized by Thakar S Basati with the help of Laddi K Singh, Candidate for State Rep Dist. 54 and owner of Diagnostic Imaging Hoffman Estate, IL.
Harish Rao