Nirankaris host ‘Spiritualism and Women’ conference

santTRACY, CA: Sant Nirankari Mission (SNM), Tracy hosted a 2-day conference on Spiritualism and Women on March 28 & 29. It highlighted the relevance and importance of spirituality in women’s day to day lives. Hundreds of participants from all over United States gathered for this two-day event. The program had cultural touch to it as well with skits, dances devotional songs performed by youth.

Mayor Pro Tem Robert Rickman was one of the dignitaries present and he expressed his pleasure being part of this conference. Another dignitary present was Honorable Teresa Cox, Trade Advisor to Obama Administration. Teresa in her speech highlighted the necessity of women empowerment as there is still disparity between how women are treated compared to men at work, although both do the same job equally well.

SNM has been working towards empowering women globally and has been very active in UN Women initiative towards Women Empowerment. This Spiritualism and Women conference opened up various topics and challenges that women encounter in their lives.

Highlight of the discussion was “Women empowerment”. In order to make women empowered we need implementation of strict laws, education that gives awareness, and economic welfare. Attempts are being done but still there is not much success. With all these efforts we need internal transformation which is possible through spiritualism which teaches human values.

As Napoleon Bonapart said “give me good mothers, I will give you good nation”. If the mother has spiritual awareness and good values the whole family has good values. A woman at peace within herself has the power to maintain peace within her family.

Many of the SNM members also shared how mission has produced prominent women role models who were mothers, daughters, wives and devotees. They have been the inspiration behind peace at home along with success in their careers.

The program was presided over by Preet Toor Sahi, a member of SNM, who runs multiple healthcare facilities, hosts media programs for TV Asia and has her own radio program. Giving various life examples she highlighted that a woman plays a juggling act of various responsibilities, therefore, it becomes necessary that for her true success she realizes the power within her-the spiritual power-which is a necessity to achieve Women Empowerment. The conference provided practical ways to empower oneself and practice spirituality in daily lives.

The conference concluded with a prayer for peace and equality in the world.

The Sant Nirankari Mission is essentially a spiritual movement. Its principal commitment to its followers is to make their minds conscious of the Eternal Reality and unite their Soul with the Creator, the Formless God. The Mission believes that ignorance and superstition are the biggest obstacles in man’s path to real progress and happiness. The narrow-mindedness, hatred and pride brooded by them are the most vicious source of trouble for the mankind.

The Mission endeavors to remove the same by bringing spiritual enlightenment within the reach of every man and woman – young or old, rich or poor, high or low, educated or illiterate, whatever the language, faith or culture, whatever the state or the nation.

Prafull Lande & Sanjeev Sagar

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