Hari Om Mandir
CHICAGO: Man Mohan Sharma, Director Training at Metropolitan Family Asian Services, conducted a seminar on “healthy@ 100,” on December 30 at Hari Om Mandir.
Over fifty seniors attended this program. Sharma interacted with seniors and spoke on the importance of nutrition and physical exercise which are key components to maintain a healthy life. He also briefed attendees about social service benefits available for the community. Sharma also spoke on Community Care Program and Adult Day Care Program.
Man Mohan Sharma has authored a book on cancer and maintains that the deadly disease is preventable and also reversible. His book is available on Amazon.com and has received good hits.
He observed that “cancer kills and it spares no one. The message from Apple’s Steve Jobs death is very clear – money and modern medicine has no answers. Twice in my life I had close encounters with world’s most deadly disease. I lost my father and grandfather because of cancer. From the diagnosis to death, it is a misery for the patient and the family.
“Modern understanding and methods of cancer control are woefully inadequate. Large drug companies and the medical fraternity have very little faith and interest in the healing power of nutritious foods, spices and body. Obviously, you cannot make much money by selling apples and oranges. There is hope, a “big hope”. We can practically stop over 80% of all cancers. The scientific evidence linking diet and lifestyle to cancer is so compelling that even American Cancer Institute estimates that more than 33% of cancer related deaths are due to these two factors.”
Sharma said, “Right nutrition can have significant impact on preventing, controlling and turning off various cancers. I have been doing research on Nutritional Healing of Cancers for the last two decades. My book is accumulation of world’s latest and most creditable research in the field of nutrition by the best doctors, research scientists and health consultants. I salute them for their exceptional hard work and that too without much funding and media support.”
Harish Rao