Interfaith Unity for Peace and Non-Violence was the title of the peace Seminar held on Feb 4, 2023 in the Jain Center, organized by the Peace Center of Los Angeles under the leadership of Ila Mehta in collaboration with the Jain Center of Southern California, Buena Park, and Anekant community center.
The seminar became a very special event through the involvement of speakers from various faiths presenting their perspective from their faith. Dr. Gunvant Mehta and Dr. Jayesh Shah were the moderators of the conference, which was attended by approximately 200 participants.

The program began with soothing instrumental Music by Vasanta Batchu and her music Troupe on Veena, Geeta Bhatt on Sitar followed by Shanti Mantra by Kailasa Center, LA and a Video Presentation on Multifaiths. The Youth group, representing the new generation, presented their views on the quotes of great leaders followed by a colorful traditional Guajarati Garba dance by Sureka Modi and her team.
Ila Mehta, Chair and Founder of the Peace Center of Los Angeles outlined the philosophy, its core values and principles. In recognition of her support for this project, Ila Mehta was given a certificate of recognition by Councilmember Ali Taj on behalf of the City of Artesia. Kewal Kanda presented the Mission Statement and Vision of the Organization and made an appeal to the audience for their support and participation.

Prof. John Haas (Sustainable Peace), Rini Ghosh (Vedanta Org), Sushma Parekh (Jainism), Mohammad Yacoob (Islam), Parshan Khosravi (Zarathushti), Patti Heckman (Buddhism), Bhai Sahib Satpal Singh (Sikhism), Randolph Dobbs (Bahai), Stephen Sherman (Jewish), Prof. Keshav Patel (Hinduism), Fr. Alexi Smith (Christianity) gave presentations and their speeches gave a clearer insight into various religious practices and the perspective of their faiths for Peace, Unity, and Non-Violence .the religious perspective speeches were followed by a very graceful classical dance presented by the students of Rangashree Dance Academy that was choreographed by Paulomi Pandit.

Yogesh Shah, President, JCSC highlighted on the importance of having a task force that would act as catalyst between grassroot organizations and the politicians to bridge the gap and establish ongoing dialogue to promote peace and Non-Violence. Hasmukh Modi presented the future plans for the project and solicited donations through Pledge cards.
Westminster Chorale rendered a beautiful music composition, filling the air with calmness and compassion. Ashok Madan delivered the Vote of Thanks to the attendees, donors, and supporters including organizations who displayed their products through rented booths. A scrumptious dinner was served after the event. Charu Shivakumar emceed the event.

At the end of the event there was a lively exchange of thoughts among the participants -Ila Mehta thanked the Cerritos College Foundation, board members, Jain Center, Committee members and the Volunteers who contributed to its success.