Prafull Lande
Contributing to the ongoing Amrit Mahotsav celebrations on the occasion of 75 years of Independence of India , Sant Nirankari Mission (SNM) in the Holy presence of Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj and Nirankari Raj Pita Ji, launched ‘Swachh Jal -Swachh Man’ (Clean water Clean Mind) under the ‘Amrit Project’ on 26th February 2023 which was conducted worldwide.
The main objective of this project is to plan and implement various activities for its ‘water conservation’ and its preservation. The main focus of this project is to clean the water bodies and encourage the local public through creating an awareness campaign.

Social Welfare Activities such as cleanliness and tree plantation campaign was initiated by Baba Hardev Singh Ji and taking the inspiration from His teachings, this year Sant Nirankari Mission under the able guidance and leadership of Nirankari Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj, Amrit Project is being organized.
In the USA various branches of SNM participated in the campaign to create awareness of water conservation and cleanliness. SNM Greater San Francisco area organized a campaign walk around Tracy to encourage and emphasize importance of water conservation for people.
In Houston, a campaign walk for water conservation awareness was organized at India House premises. SNM volunteers carried placards displaying messages and slogans on water conservation for creating Water Conservation awareness.

Members of Sant Nirankari Mission Washington DC metropolitan areagot an opportunity to organize a drive for the victims of the earthquake that struck the Republic of Turkey and northwest Syria. 75 new and gently used blankets, sleeping bags and medicines were collected for the victims and delivered to the Republic of Turkey on February 28th. Members of the embassy staff were deeply touched by the donations and thanked the mission for its generosity and contributions.
Sant Nirankari Mission, Washington DC Metropolitan Area Spiritual Center, organized its 6th Annual Street Cleaning Drive on February 26th, 2023. SNM Volunteers created and displayed placards with messages on Cleaning and Conserving Water (Project Amrit) along the street in front of the Spiritual Center to raise awareness in the community.

Members of all age groups participated in the street cleaning sewa within the boundaries of the Spiritual Center including the parking lot and walkways of the Bhawan, and in the neighborhood. Community members living around the Center appreciated this selfless service by stopping by and expressing “Thank You” to the effort.
This community service is part of the continued commitment of Sant Nirankari Mission Washington DC Metro Area branch to the Virginia Department of Transportation’s (VDOT) annual Adopt-A-Highway program. Thirty-five (35) large bags of trash were collected that were later picked up by VDOT from the Center’s facility.
SNM North Carolina chapter got together and conducted a cleanliness drive. They identified one creek that had gotten dirty due to trash. SNM volunteers cleared a lot of trash from both banks of the creek.

In southern California, the volunteers gathered together in Orange County to clean areas of Huntington Beach on March 11. With banners and posters in their hands, an effort was also made to bring awareness to all to keep our water and beaches clean.
Across all SNM centers in the USA, the message of Project Amrit was well-received, and it was heartening to see so many people come together to support this important noble cause.